A Simple Change, Inexpensive Room Makeover

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  1. Lovely things. The wooden bowl and tray give such a clean look.

    Thanks for thoughts sent about Irene and safety! Lots of cleanup to do here but we came through ok.

  2. I love your blog and love the two new additions to my blog. We are sisters at heart. I am just about to start painting. Livingroom paint next. Will take pictures. Hugs and Kisses to you dear friend.

  3. Hi Katherine,

    Could not agree more, new towels and flannels can make a bathroom look so good.
    Yes, I always have a candle in my bathroom for the nights when I want to spend time soaking in the bath. Great post.

    Happy Sunday

  4. Katherine, thanks for leaving a nice comment on my blog. Please visit again.
    You have good ideas about decorating a bathroom. I like the little basket filled with goodies. It is pretty but also useful. Shannon

  5. The change of season is always my time for changing up a room. I love those accent towels! I found you on the So Followed Saturday Blog Hop. I’m following you now.

  6. Your Washroom looks so VERY relaxing… And for such a GREAT price…The embroidered towels are LOVELY and yes they do cost a bit more…But well worth it… 🙂

  7. That is such a cute little girl on the Avon book. Your photos look really great although I rarely give much thought to decor and just want stuff to be available and work. I’ll leave that up to you sweet ladies. So far this morning we are getting a lot of wind and rain but not too severe since we are 3 hours inland. Have a wonderful Saturday and I’ll catch up with you later.
    Big Hugs,

    1. Oh my goodness sweetie I just realized you are in the hurricane/ storm watch area. Glad to hear you are inland, praying for everyone.
      Big Hugs right back to you!

  8. Great changes, Katherine, I love the colors you have,and all at a great price. It is amazing what a few added touches can do. The basket I want, so pretty.

  9. We have our guest bathroom which will require a complete overhaul. I will have to keep these ideas in mind once that project is complete. Your bath looks like such a relaxing place! ~Hugs, M

Love each other as God loves you xo

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