random wednesday

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  1. Hi Seana, I’m transplanting the peonies this year and I have been thinking of adding the snow white one to the mix. I do wish they would bloom a bit longer though. Lovely addition to your table. I know my hubby is a mad man, LOL. Actually he gets the majority 95 percent of his steps at work.His job has him designing and he has to go to a lot of meetings. He walks to them instead of riding in the “golf” cart. He also walks the whole building at lunch time ( when he gets lunch).. I managed to pass my goal of 5000 with 7980 steps the other day. I went shopping with our granddaughter! xo

  2. It was only 50 degrees here this morning, and I’m hoping your heat makes its way out to CT soon! I loved Monk and that song does pop into my head a lot as well – funny! I rescued a few peonies before our rain and put them on the table. I love them. Mine are dark pink, but I wish they were pale pink because i really love those. I focus on 2 social media sites, and tinker with a couple more. That’s enough for me! 19,700 steps? How did he ever do that? Is he a runner?

    1. Thank you my friend. I know it can really be a challenge. As you know I struggle to visit my favorite blogs ( yours of course) because by the end of the day I’ve been on the computer for a ridiculous amount of time. Hugs!

  3. Aw, loved getting inside your head a bit here with your random thoughts. It is no where near 98 degrees here with it being around 60 and going up to 70 if we are lucky here today in NY. So a bit jealous as crazy as that sounds as I love the heat (the hotter the better for me in all honesty). That said, Happy Wednesday my sweet friend now!! xoxo <3

    1. It’s supposed to be cooler today we may get a spot of rain which will be wonderful. Looking at 89 for a high. Still too hot for me though. would love 70’s , enjoy your day my friend. xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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