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  1. Looks good! I do this occassionally and add a whipped raw egg to the pasta while it’s warm and then add bacon pieces to it with the parmesan cheese & pepper. My favorite pasta dish will always be one with Alfredo sauce. Stuffed tortillini with meat….love it!

  2. Katherine, that looks delicious! I am always looking for new ways to serve pasta to our family. Thanks for this easy and yummy recipe!

    Best wishes for a fabulous week,

  3. This is a favorite of mine to make! Quick, easy and totally yummy! Happy Monday my sweet friend!~hugs, xo

  4. I’m a pasta freak and “yoodles”, as my granddaughter calls it, is something she will eat. We have it often. I just had seafood pasta this weekend!

  5. Kathy i have to first compliment you on your new photo upload.. Is very beautiful..
    My kids are in love with pasta. I have found an easy and new recipe i will introduce to them this weekend.. Thanks for sharing and also thanks for checking up on me. Wishing you a great week,,x

  6. I LOVE pasta with a simple drizzle of olive oil, a dash of herbs, a (generous) sprinkle of cheese! YUM!

  7. Oh, I love this recipe. I agree that the simplest foods are often the best. Your bowl is just gorgeous, Katherine. Have a wonderful week, my friend.

  8. Great post Katherine! Thank you! I make this all the time…aglio olio con parmesano 🙂 Have a nice week!

  9. You are so right when you say simple is sometimes the best. This is also one of my favorite dishes although I prefer pasta that is easier to deal with than long spaghetti noodles. It’s all the same just different shapes.
    I’ve waited for this week for a long time Katie. Today and 3 more to finish a career in office machines that started back in 1981. Next monday will be the strange one when I do not have to get up and deal with the hectic goings on around here. Hope you have a fabulous week.
    Huge Hugs,

  10. This is something I make, too. Usually I’ll add some peas or other veg and if I want a little zip to it, adding a little bit of cooked ham or real bacon bits, but I have to skip the bread. It’s simple, quick, and tasty. TFS Gloria

Love each other as God loves you xo

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