new toy for katherine

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    1. Hi Tiffany, I know it is a rock star in the kitchen! I have converted most of my crock pot recipes top suit the quicker time. No more I forgot to thaw the ( fill in the blank) you can get a delish meal in a few minutes with the pressure cooker plus. Hugs!

  1. I have a pressure cooker…. and I have a crockpot (2 of them-big family and love to use both crockpots often!), but I haven’t heard of or used the product you are now using. Interesting. I will have to check it out. Thank you for sharing the info on it… and glad you are enjoying using it. It is fun to get a new device that makes our jobs easier… 🙂

  2. I have had my eye on one of these for a long time. Who knows if I win the giveaway maybe I can buy it. Otherwise it’ll stay on my ‘wish list.’

  3. Great giveaway. Love the flower pillow as well as that beautiful journal
    Thank you for this opportunity

  4. Shocked about the snow. It is 80, sunny and warm here today. So much so that I finally caved and switched out our winter clothing once and for all. But I love your newest toy and believe it or not, I don’t have a pressure cooker. But if I do get one in the future, I may have to pick your brain! Happy Wednesday now, Katie!! xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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