on the side lines

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  1. Oh katherine
    I am so sorry to hear this news. I saw the funeral potatoes post and dug around to get the details.
    It means so much you emailed me a guest post during this loss. Sorry I was out of pocket when you shared this news.


  2. I’m sorry for your loss and sad that you can’t be with your husband and his family at this time.

  3. Prayers for you and your family, Katherine! I know how you must feel because when our Australian daughter-in-law married our son on Michigan’s Mackinac Island, her father and sister came but her mother had to remain in Australia for the same reason as you.

  4. I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. That is just so hard to process, and I am sure it is hard for you not to be able to go. Sending you love and warmth today. My peonies look just like the ones in our photo, and they give me hope in the face of some tough things as well.

  5. So sorry to hear of the passing of your father-in-law. I know that you would have loved to have been able to accompany your husband. Please take care of yourself. Prayers that your health will greatly improve. God loves you, dear one.

  6. Am praying for all of you…Am so sorry for the death of your Father In Law. May you both find comfort in sweet memories…..

  7. I will definitely be praying for you and your whole family. I cannot imagine what you are going through not being able to be there to support your loved ones but know He knew before this ever happened and has them in His hand. Big hugs and thank you for sharing with us.

  8. So sorry to hear about your FIL. I honestly think it’s a lot harder when the passing is unexpected.
    Safe travels to your husband.

  9. My prayers are with you and your hubby and families. More so with you since I have an aneurysm and am not allowed to do a lot. Take care of your self X)X)X) Carole

  10. Katherine, I’m so so sorry, both for your loss, and your inability to be with your husband. I know, all to well, the feeling of being “on the sidelines” from health issues. Keep praying and I will pray with and for you, too.
    With much love and comfort,

  11. Aw, Katie once again I am truly so sorry for your family’s loss of your father-in-law. Please know I am thinking of you now more than ever. Sending more love, hugs and saying prayers, too. Love you Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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