one more time

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  1. Hello! I am not a blogger but would love for you to use my tablescape:)
    I ( am internet) friends with Olivia McGowen
    I am quite computer illiterate too
    If you tell me how to send info and pictures, I will figure it out:):)
    Thank you!
    Gail Choate

    1. Hello Gail, welcome to Katherines Corner! Yes thank you so much for joining in the fun. Olivia let me know you needed your tablescape hosted. I’ll send you an email in just a bit with all of the info. Hugs!!

  2. How do I send you a URL of a post that hasn’t been posted yet???? I have several tablescapes that I have done this summer that I would like to use but they have been published. Thanks!

  3. Hi Katherine. I have never done this but I think it sounds fun. Do I wait until I have a post for my tablescape written to sign up? Or do I sign up now and just use my blog home page url?
    🙂 gwingal

    1. Hi Nikki! I look forward to your tablescape. Please sign up now. I will contact everyone when signup is complete. Then I will ask for the url of your new tablescape and I will add it to a blog tour list. When I have everyone’s by the 25th I’ll send the code to you so you can add it to your post. Then we all post at the same time. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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