how to draw a seal in 10 minutes or less

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  1. SUPER cute!! My son is learning how to draw and write so something super easy like basic shapes would be amazing for him!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. This is adorable. When I was a child, I learned how to draw a rooster and an elephant. It is handy to have a few little drawings you can whip out, even as an adult. This little guy is very cute!!

  3. I think I would have to go for the Amazon gift card. The Apron and Table runner are lovely but the possibilities are endless on Amazon. Thank you for the opportunity to win something.

  4. Aw, this is adorable! I am not the artist here technically as that is my husband, but still going to give this a try as it looks easy and so much, too. Happy Weekend to you, too Katie xoxo 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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