thoughts on january

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  1. Loved your description of the quiet in your home as you write your post. I love quiet and will often just sit and soak in the quiet. Have never heard of your word for chair/office. That sounds like me. I’ve never been a desk person and do paperwork, blogging, etc in a comfy chair. Guess I have a chaffice too (wink)!

    1. Thank you, me too! I think I invented the name chaffice for my hubby’s work from home office. It always gets a smile when I say, It’s time to tidy the chaffice. LOL. hugs!

  2. I get depressed after the holidays are over. We took down our tree the day after Christmas because it was dead, then our decor came down on NYE. I feel less cluttered (my home and brain) with it put away. Now I need to buy some bins and organize my pantry but I haven’t yet found the motivation.

    1. It’s normal to get a bit down after the holidays, especially for 2020. But a little meditation and some organization will often do the trick to unclutter ( I don’t think holiday can be declared clutter LOL) our homes and our minds. ( smile) Hugs!

  3. Like you, I will definitely be doing some organization (BUT I love doing that all year long). Along with that, I want to start a new exercise/health program (I was looking into Noom) and buy the FitTrack scale to keep me accountable. Excited for this year!

  4. I look at January as a clean slate. This January is different in the sense we are waiting for this virus to be taken care of and for vaccines.

    I’m getting lists ready for blogging, crafts and décor for spring.


Love each other as God loves you xo

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