Thoughts on January
Hello friends, it’s a cold and wet January morning here in Utah. But, it is much warmer than it has been. Right now it is 21 degrees Fahrenheit. Izzy is snoring softly as he sleeps in his cozy bed under my desk. Everything is quiet in our home, hubby is working downstairs in his chaffice ( chair + office) and the only sound I hear is the clicking of my keyboard and the soft hum of the computer.
My morning tea is warm and comforting, and it is easy to imagine at this moment, a world at peace. A world without wars, illness, cruelty, hatred, bigotry, and negativity. Right here at this moment, my thoughts on January are peaceful ones.

For many January is the ideal month to make resolutions, organize, refresh, remake and reassess our home, health goals, and more. I’m right there with you. A new year offers the opportunity to move forward with a new perspective, to meet new challenges, and finally update my address book.
Changes are coming to Katherines Corner too. Watch for Katherines Angels.
Thoughts On January

ORGANIZE– Consolidate all your “to do’s” into an easy to read and realistic checklist.
Don’t move clutter from one room into another. Organize one room at a time and make labels!
Consider storing things in the place you use them. For example- I have a basket by the printer that holds, ink, a bag with used ink cartridge (to be recycled), and printer paper.
HEALTH– Although we should take care of our health January through forever. January is the time many of us start new health regimens. Hubby and I are determined to lose our “Covid Weight”. We started a low carb diet and I have made a few changes to my daily exercise routine and hubby will be starting one.
REWARD– one more thing to add to my thoughts on January. When you achieve your goals no matter how big or small, reward yourself. Maybe a long soak in a bubble bath, quiet time to read a book, meditate, pray, or do nothing at all. Or one of my favorites, do a happy dance, feel proud, and enjoy the feeling you have when you complete something on your “To Do” list.

What are your thoughts on January?
I hope to see you back here on Thursday for TFT (Thursday Favorite Things is a blog hop link party for blog writers and blog readers).
Loved your description of the quiet in your home as you write your post. I love quiet and will often just sit and soak in the quiet. Have never heard of your word for chair/office. That sounds like me. I’ve never been a desk person and do paperwork, blogging, etc in a comfy chair. Guess I have a chaffice too (wink)!
Thank you, me too! I think I invented the name chaffice for my hubby’s work from home office. It always gets a smile when I say, It’s time to tidy the chaffice. LOL. hugs!
My home is my castle and safe haven from this crazy world. (So is my church.)
I think this will be the month of projects for me.
My favorite place is at home too. I hope you’ll share what you create. Happy New Year my friend Hugs!
I get depressed after the holidays are over. We took down our tree the day after Christmas because it was dead, then our decor came down on NYE. I feel less cluttered (my home and brain) with it put away. Now I need to buy some bins and organize my pantry but I haven’t yet found the motivation.
It’s normal to get a bit down after the holidays, especially for 2020. But a little meditation and some organization will often do the trick to unclutter ( I don’t think holiday can be declared clutter LOL) our homes and our minds. ( smile) Hugs!
Like you, I will definitely be doing some organization (BUT I love doing that all year long). Along with that, I want to start a new exercise/health program (I was looking into Noom) and buy the FitTrack scale to keep me accountable. Excited for this year!
Hi Bethany! I’ve seen a lot about Noom, I hope you’ll let me know how you like it. Hugs!
I look at January as a clean slate. This January is different in the sense we are waiting for this virus to be taken care of and for vaccines.
I’m getting lists ready for blogging, crafts and décor for spring.
I’m a big list maker too! Wishing you and yours good health and happiness now and always. Hugs!