eclipse monday inspirations

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  1. Oh rats I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday my friend I do hope you get your birthday wish and a well deserved day at the spa too . You are such a good sport. What a fun way to make memories too Biggest hugs!

  2. Katherine, I too was skeptical about the hullabaloo surrounding the eclipse. It happened to fall on my birthday and the last thing I wanted as a gift was to travel to totality area to watch an eclipse. I would much rather be wined and dined and danced…. But it was highly important to my husband, AND my daughter and grandkids house just happen to be IN the totality area, so I sucked it up and didn’t complain since I would get to play with my sweet granddaughters. I have to say, that I was impressed by the 100% eclipse and it was worth the trip and traffic jams and tiredness at work today. I know there have been eclipses during my lifetime but I don’t remember any of them. And this one would have been the same if I had stayed home where it was 92%. It was pretty awesome and something I won’t soon forget.
    Love you!
    🙂 gwingal

  3. Sweet Katherine, Thanks so much the feature! We enjoyed using our pinhole camera and watching 93%! The sky turned such a strange color and the birds stopped singing. I don’t remember all this mania from the past either – but I admit I was excited yesterday!

  4. The eclipse in sunny LA … hmmm we were not fortunate to be in the exact place for full event… well I have witnessed comet showers in the desert and must say they are truly spectacular, and want need to wait another 99 yrs.
    For those who have witnessed the eclipse today I hope you enjoyed!!!

  5. North Alabama will have a 97% totality, but we’re staying in because traffic is predicted to be congested. We went to a Day Spa this morning for some treatments and are staying inside this afternoon- binge watching Riverdale!

    Ricki Jill

  6. I am with you on the weekends going too quickly lately here, as well. But as for today, my husband is home from work having taken Mondays off this past summer. We got eclipse glasses and hoping to get to a quick glimpse of the eclipse as a family today if nothing else. Happy Monday now and have a wonderful week ahead xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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