chasing time

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  1. Yes, I am always chasing time, wondering if what I am doing is really what I need to be doing. For me, it is always hard to separate “accomplishing something” from “doing what I really want to be doing.” I’m learning to choose joy more, rather than “chores” that just have to be done over and over again anyway. Oh, I wish I were more tech savvy! There is always so much to learn. I think the “younger” generation is more intuitive about tech things because they don’t remember a time it wasn’t used. Sometimes, I still long for good ole paper and pencil! You do so much, Katie, and I admire all of your hard work. You do so much behind the scenes that helps all of us bloggers. Thank you for all you do. You are appreciated!!

  2. And we could all use those extra moments to do something nice for ourselves. Maybe your daughter could sign those of us technology challenged up for lessons.

  3. Such a good point! There are so many parts of life we can streamline and yet it is easy to stay busy and do things the same way we have been doing them! Good reminder to evaluate and change some things! Thank you. 🙂

  4. Nothing like a younger person performing in a minute a task that takes us an hour to humble us, right? This is an ongoing challenge. I love her point that just because we may spend a lot of time on something doesn’t mean that it is worthy of praise or valuable. It is up to us to pursue efficiency, protect our time and make wise choices. (I LOVE daisies!)

  5. Oh my, this sounds like something both of my daughters might say to me! I’m one who is constantly busy but at the end of the day wonder what I’ve accomplished! I’m ready to work smarter and welcome you tips.

  6. Aw, Katie I have been known to waste a bit of time here myself. But have also tried to stream line things better for myself, as well. Still a work in progress though. Hugs and Happy Wednesday now!! <3 xoxo

  7. Thank you my dear friend for the sweet reminder – we are both devoted to our craft, and it causes us much extra work to get everything “just so.” I completely understand, and will take your daughter’s advice and work smarter not harder. Love you, N

Love each other as God loves you xo

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