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  1. Thanks so much for hosting – I’ve now added your giveaway to my list of blog hops so I hope to join you regularly! Each visit to your blog is always a joy. I hope you have a blessed weekend!


  2. Hi Katherine,
    Thank you so much for inviting me to link up my post from The Pink Home! This is a delightful blog hop ~ I look forward to linking up again. 🙂 I am a new follower, too. Your co-host has a lovely blog as well. Thanks so much for hosting!

  3. Hi my sweet friend! I promoted the blog hop in the Ruby community and I even took a few minutes to post on my own blog today ;o) I’ve missed doing that with everything going on at Ruby, so it was a nice change to be able to participate and hopefully connect with some new bloggy friends. I’m hoping to be able to update and add to my blog over the next few weeks, as well, now that we’re getting the new Ruby site ready to launch. Thanks for this great opportunity! I would like to co-host with you one week, so please put me on the schedule. Love to you, N

  4. Katherine, I’m sorry, when I logged in I guess I only wrote Kat, but it’s me Kathy from vB and My dishwasher!! Take care!!

  5. I love to drop by your beautiful blog, I feel more peaceful just when I pop in and see your beautiful header!! Take care dear blogging friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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