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  1. Awww…thanks for including me in your Cottages page! We live a simple life by the lake and we love it! I am off now to check out some of the other cottage blogs. ~Deb~

  2. Is blogger having issue? I’m missing posts on my dashboard, sorry I’m so late. Love the idea of a cottage by a body of water. Flood water doesn’t count!

  3. LOVE your blog! I really like the vision board and I, too, would love a house on the water someday. Cottage style is one my favorites.
    So glad I found you from Mid Week Mingle….following now. Stop by and hopefully follow back. Looking forward to exploring your blog more!

  4. I love your vision board! have been wanting to make one myself for some time. Ah, another item I must stop and complete. I have heard they are wonderful for focus toward dreams and goals. A cottage at the lake would be a fairytale, would it not?

  5. Hi, following you now after discovering terrific tuesday. Looks like a great blog. I would love to live in a cottage by the water sounds like heaven! Will also be trying out your pizza recipe below. Feel free to check out my blog 🙂

  6. What a nice dream. If I could retire anywhere, it would be Italy. But I know that dream cannot come true because I could never leave my family behind. If I had no children that is where hubby and I would be. He shares the same dream. Have a wonderful day.

  7. I do have a vision board! I think I posted a picture of it a while back, but knowing me, I think I called it an inspiration board, and it has mostly photos of things I want to paint. Thanks for sharing yours with us!

  8. Well, they say that dreams come true, so hopefully, one day, you will be sitting there in your cottage by the lake and watching your husband catch his fish!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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