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  1. This is a wonderful product Katherine! I like the fact that the giveaway is available to everyone. I am interested in participating. I have become a Follower on Twitter and also a Facebook Fan. I have also become a fan of my memories. You have a wonderful Blog and I am therefore happy to pass on the Blog On Fire Award to you. You can see the details on my Blog. Take care and my best wishes to you.

  2. Visited My the “Live,Love,Laugh” set. Following you already, followed MM on Twitter and Facebook & left a note for them each place. Hugs,

  3. It’s hard to say which my favorite is as I really liked a lot of her stuff. But I’ll go with the Christmas traditions kit. OH! And you can make calendars there! I love that!!!

  4. Just saying hello, Katherine — no room either on my crummy Toshiba for any more “stuff.” No need to enter me in this generous giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Not entering either (no room on my laptop to digital scrapbook even though i wanna!) lol but i wanted to say i hope you have a greatttt weekend!

  6. Love the page you made for your grandson …that is an awesome photo and what a beautiful way to save the memory! ~Hugs, M

  7. Lovely giveaway…I hope I win…My favorite from My Memories is the Beauty Blossoms Cluster pack! Very pretty…I have an idea for that set. Already follow you everywhere. Lovely site, will be exploring it more! Thanks ~Hugs, M

Love each other as God loves you xo

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