TFT Weekly Party for Blog Writers and Blog Readers
Yippee it’s party day! Welcome to TFT ( aka Thursday Favorite Things) the weekly party for blog writers and blog readers. This is the first “official” week of features selected from the comments section. Last week we implemented the change. All you have to do is; leave a comment and include the number your link is on the list to be considered for a feature. Pretty easy really some of you already did it so just a little change for those who didn’t. Without further adue I am happy to shine the light on all of the blogs who included their number from the party, ( if they shared more than one post I only selected one) Enjoy these five lovely features this week and I look forward to all that you will all share at the party today.”
Follow The Yellow Brick Home Shared her stunning Fall Garden Displays
This Autoimmune Life shared a recipe for Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes, a nice breakfast treat for those on restricted diets.
Clover House went a little batty with their fun DIY Halloween Wall post
Blowing Away Out West shared a fun DIY for The Best Witch Hat Tutorial and Theme Ideas with Free Printable Links
The Dedicated House shared a her lovely Fall Home Tour
Thank you to all who share with us every week.
PLEASE remember to visit and comment on the two blog posts before you in the list.
Of course we encourage you to visit as many as you can.
Please share our party with your social networks.
I’d love it if you would consider inviting them to our party too!
Please follow all of your lovely hostesses, they are amazing women.
Get to know them and all that they share on their blogs.
We ALL share our features from your posts every week. Remember to leave a comment with your link number and let’s get YOU featured!
#268 and 269. Thanks for the link up!
I’m not Halloween fan but i do lové fall. Those pumpkin pancakes sound awesome! LINK #267 JadoreLeDecor
Love getting so many great ideas and finding new blogs to enjoy! Thanks for hosting!
Hi Katherine! Thank you so much for featuring my Halloween Accent Wall this week! As usual, its an awesome party with fun features! Have a great weekend!
I hope your October’s been great so far! (241-243)
Hi Katherine. I am so pleased to be joining you after a long absence. I hope you are well dear lady! My links are numbers 233 & 234, and I hope you enjoy reading them. Love, Mimi x
Thank you for sharing my pancakes! Hope you’re having a lovely week!
Hi Katie! Thanks for hosting! I’m super excited to be back after a break. My posts are #216, 220 and 221.
Thanks for hosting!!
Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!
I am thinking I need to choose more featured each week! It is always a pleasure to link up with you. Thank you for all you do to bring bloggers together. I invite you to join me at #OverTheMoon, #WonderfulWednesday and #ThursdayFavoriteThings. Have a great week!
Thank you so much for hosting this party. Lovely features!
The bats on the wall is really creative.
Thank you Katherine for your TFT Weekly Party, always appreciated.
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine. I find it interesting that along with over 100 posts, there are so few comments. My posts this week are 163, 164, 165. I have two blogs now, through one email. So I’m still subscribed.
Dearest Katherine,
I heartily thank you for hosting ( 81, 84 and 90 are my numbers ) !
Wishing you a beautiful remainder of your week,
with sincere gratitude
XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)
Thank you for hosting Katherine. How cool is the wall of bats? Simple yet so effective
Thank you so much for the sweet feature and for hosting such a fun party! Have a lovely day! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
Thank you so much for hosting and for the feature. Have a lovely week a head!
Great features, Katherine! Thanks for hosting!….Christine
Thank you always, my sweet friend for hosting and wishing you a lovely Thursday ahead now!! xoxo <3
Thank you Katherine, and happy birthday to your husband! My #s are 37,39,41
Thanks so much for hosting! 17, 19, and 22 are my numbers! Have a great weekend!
Hi, Katherine! Thanks for all you do. (#24)
Thanks for the link up!