just noodling around

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  1. Now I’m craving noodles! I’m headed to the garlic ginger recipe next, I love ginger. The Halloween display is so fun, definitely going to try it next year.

  2. I wish I could participate in the tablescape tour, but I’m obligated to post a book review that day. 🙁

    The DIY witch legs are fun! And yes…I’ve worn my fair share of noodle necklaces! ;P

  3. Fall showed up and all I wanted to do was eat soup! And noodles! I could devour a bowl of buttered noodles and I’d be quite content. And I love chicken noodle soup but haven’t done well at making it myself. But I’m taking a look at your recipe and perhaps I’ll wing it 😉 Bad pun, I know. Thank you for reminding me why I love colder weather.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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