dearest granddaughter

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  1. What a wonderful, heartfelt memory you shared with us! I am sure your granddaughter will treasure the letter and cross necklace for many many years to come.

  2. I love this precious letter to your granddaughter <3 Thank you for sharing it with the readers of RUBY magazine my dear friend! I'm just out and about this morning while I hear the sound of hammers and saws in the laundry room. I am hopeful that we are on our way to recovery from our little flood incident. Looking forward to many more TFT parties! Love, Nina

  3. OH I adore this!! I wish I could wear jewelry every day! All I can wear is gold though and I never have the funds for a pure gold cross. I do wear them when I can though. I love this letter. Im sure it means the world!!

  4. Katie,
    What a lovely story and so sweet that you shared it. Congratulations on being featured. I can see why. I wear my cross everyday. It is a constant reminder of my love for God and his love for me.
    I hope your grand daughter realizes the special gift you have given her and the gift she has in you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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