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  1. What a sweet picture. Hope she had a wonderful Birthday.
    My daughter turned 30 yesterday. My son turned 32 in January. Your daughter was born the year between my two!

  2. That is such an 80’s shot! they all have ‘that look’ about them and now we try to replicate it with iphone apps and Photoshop! Beautiful, beautiful!

  3. Beautiful baby and beautiful Mother.
    Wishing your daughter the happiest of birthdays and a great year ahead.

    Hugs from New Zealand

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter and time does fly. I have 2 in their 40’s and one to be 39 this yr. That’s a beautiful picture of you and your baby.

  5. Happy birthday to your baby, I hope she has a wonderful day. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments! Tammy

  6. I so agree, time of so many precious moments goes quickly by. You have such a beautiful baby Kathy. I wish a very wonderful birthday to your daughter>I have 2 daughters and 2 sons, my youngest is 22. The years go by so fast.

  7. That’s a really great picture. Of course you couldn’t take a bad picture if you tried.
    1980, that was the year I started in the office machine industry. Went to Hillside, NJ for my first copier school. Lots of memories back then. Hope you are having a super good week.

  8. I love the photo! My youngest, a daughter, turned 30 in April. Time passes so quickly. Now our babies have babes of their own…wow.

  9. Aw, how time passes so fast. My “baby” is five years old now, and it makes me feel nostalgic when I find his old baby equipment in the loft. Which reminds me, must get rid of some of it.

    That cake below looks delicious.

    Visiting you from no rules blog hop.

  10. Time really goes by so quickly…I cannot believe that my baby is graduating from college and my oldest is getting married. Remember the song TURN AROUND…it’s true you just turn around and everything changes.

  11. Happy Birthday!!
    It doesn’t take long…..the next thing you know they are grown…..

Love each other as God loves you xo

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