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  1. Hi Katherine,
    I have also used powdered cinnamon as a great deterrent. Not only does it remain environmentally safe, but it adds a great fragrance to the picnic as well. I have also heard that pepper works too. Enjoy those picnics!

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I’m following you 🙂
    I wish you a great day and weekend!

  3. How many blogs do you have, woman? LOL!!! I was just checking out blogs through a Thursday hop, clicked on this one and realized it was yours. What can I say, it’s a small world wide web…

    Happy Thursday,


    1. Hi Kim yes I have two! A Website and several online shops including Avon. I’m working hard at keeping all the plates spinning. Hugs!

  4. Pingback: Picnic Bench | OTHER FURNITURE AND MORE
  5. I absolutely hate ants, so I was very pleased to hear these two tips. I had never heard of either one before. I shall certainly make sure I take some talcum powder with me in future when I am planning a picnic!

  6. I can’t use pesticide and we are having horrific problems with ants! BIG ants. Lack of rain is causing them to come in the house, at the bathroom window, in my bathtub. They are driving me nuts!

    1. The essential oils that work well against mosquitoes are: cinnamon oil
      lemon eucalyptus oil, citronella oil, castor oil . My Avon website has some great sprays to. Hugs!

  7. Some very good advice Katie girl. Hope you are doing well this fine thursday. We are having a big family gathering for Linda’s side saturday and will have two big cookers going. One with a 100 lb. pig and the other with a dozen chickens and everyone is bringing side to go along with the meat. It’s at her brothers place at the lake and it is beautiful and will even have his pontoon boat available for rides. Should be fun & I hear the weather should cooperate.
    Later beautiful,

  8. Those were great tips, particularly the talcum powerder. My husband I usually picnic out in the woods without the benefit of a standard picnic area. And, the poweder is easy to pack!

  9. Katherine super tips, because I love AL fresco dining and picnicking!

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