do you want to build a snowman

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  1. I would love to build a snowman! By the end of the week we might just have enough snow to build one here in lower Mid-Michigan! I would love to help my two grandsons who are nearly seven and live with me build a snow person. It’s supposed to be below freezing for the rest of our week here so it’s not good packing snow when it’s that cold. But, I’m sure the temps will rise some in a few days or a week. Then, what fun!

  2. We got a rare December snow here in Central Alabama on Friday. It accumulated up to six inches in our part of the state (we’re on top of a mountain) and there’s still some snow on our back deck and patio. I can’t believe it’s still out there. I’m so cold!!!

    Cute snowmen features. I keep singing “It’s a Marshmallow World in the Winter!”


  3. The snowman wreath is really cute! A nice alternative to the traditional ones. Snowmen are one of my favorite Christmas themes. Every now and then I find one to add to my collection.

  4. We have only had maybe 1/4 inch so far!! Its sticking though which has my son pretty excited. Not enough to build a snowman 🙁 I do adore that wreath snowman!! <3 I think after Christmas I'll have to make and put him up till spring!

  5. We just got our first snowfall this past Saturday here in NY. So we most definitely have a bit of snow on the ground right now. And we may have a shot at a white Christmas, too. So fingers crossed. And thank you for sharing my SnowMan Wine Cork Ornament here today. So many hugs and truly appreciate this and your friendship always xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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