After Christmas TFT Party

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  1. Katherine… thanks for hosting! Praying you and your family are SO blessed in the new year! My links are #s 199-201. 🙂

  2. Thank you for hosting, Katherine, and all of you ladies!!! I do enjoy coming over, reading what’s new and clicking around to different blogs with photos and titles that catch my eye. <3 I am #184 this week and yes, I do link back each time and tweet your party! 🙂 It's only fair as I know you work hard to write up your posts and this party each week.

    I hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your families and here's to a wonderful New Year!
    Barb 🙂

  3. Love it!! We adore keeping Christmas around for as long as we can!! It such an amazing holiday filled with so much joy and love!! Thankfully with the way our family schedules work out we are celebrating all the way till the end of January!

  4. Thank you for hosting. I linked some fudge, a trifle, and an applesauce fruit cake. I hope you enjoy them! Have a happy holiday! #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings

  5. Yes, I agree, this year went by super quick! Although once I look back there were so good times and not so good times. To say the least it was interesting and definitely not boring. Thank you for all you do and the time each of you put into your blogs, I truly enjoy reading them.

  6. Dearest Katherine,
    thanks most sincerely for hosting (this week I’m link number 79) and for sharing your always so lovely features !
    Trusting you had a wonderful Christmas ,
    I’m wishing you all my best for the New Year coming

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  7. Pingback: Blue Christmas
  8. Happy holidays, Katherine! Thanks so much for featuring my little toddler elf hat. We still have 3 wee ones running around here, Christmas was wild!

  9. Thank you so much for hosting once again this week. Still can’t believe Christmas is over, but still trying my best to enjoy the little that is left now of the holiday season through New Year’s here now. Wishing you a wonderful day now and also a very, Happy New Year, as well xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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