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  1. Lactose free cream soup!??! Oh be still my heart!! How have I missed that one!? Must make as it sounds amazing and wont upset my stomach like EVERYTHING else cream based!! Thanks for sharing so so much with us this year!! happy 2018!!

  2. Hi Katherine,
    You are amazing. My husband was tested for PV, but had a blood issue the doctors could cure. This year has been busy. I loved being part of your party, but being 76 years old and my husband having an emergency pace-maker surgery this July I know I am in the right place for me today. I love reading blogs, and I post less and less. Please take care of yourself. Prayers are coming your way. Your blogging friend.

  3. Kaherine, I hope the New Year brings only good things to you and your family! I’ve enjoyed following your posts and look forward to another year of them! Happy New Year!

  4. My middle son discovered baking this year and he LOVES using ganache; it’s such a tasty and wonderful way to top cupcakes and cakes. I remember so many of these recipes and I love your Thursday link up.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It was just what I needed just now. I Know just drizzle it all over the top and you have chocolate heaven. So happy you enjoy TFT too. Big Hugs. P.S> how lucky you are to have a son to bake for you.

  5. Aw, Katie my pleasure and I was reading along recalling so many of these wonderful articles by you. Then, I saw my name and totally was blushing. But honestly so happy to follow along and comment here as much as I can, because I adore you and your blog. Happy New Year, my sweet friend to you and your family xoxo <3

    1. Janine, you are a bright light and Katherines Corner wouldn’t be the same without you. Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year Celeb ration and praying your new year will be filled with good things xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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