Breaking Up and Other Stuff
It’s been a weird week my friends, time flying by like leaves in a storm. Seriously, yes, seriously. I am so serious friends, I had to say it twice thrice ( wink). I think am breaking up with Instagram! I’m outnumbered and well out everything else too. It’s a constant push me pull you situation and I just don’t think I belong there. Are you on Instagram? I’d love to know your thoughts.
Instead of Instagram, I am trying to ramp up my presence on facebook and twitter. But, the whole social network stuff is really “kicking me bum”. I know I’ve written about it before. But, isn’t it supposed to be fun? Sometimes it feels like I’m on an island surrounded by emojis and I don’t know what half of them mean. I did share some emojis I do know in a post HERE just in case you missed it.
I am having a fun “event” on facebook right now. In the Savvy Shoppers group. I have teacup sets marked down and only available to group members and a freebie too. If you love a bargain I hope you’ll join us HERE ( remember you need to be logged in to facebook to join any group).
I thought you might like a free printable today. Please do not alter, sell or claim as your own.
Please click the link below the image to download and print.
I’d like to spend a moment with you regarding following the rules in a giveaway. It is so important my sweet bloggy friends. When you enter a giveaway you should check your emails when the giveaway ends. If you’re the lucky winner, but you missed the email, it will be very disappointing to find my email in your trash. Or not answered within the 72 hours allotted to respond? Do you have Katherines Corner in your contact approved list?
The new Ruby for Women magazine is out. I am so happy I can share the e-magazine with you HERE at my little corner. Remember you can subscribe to the printed copy too!
Sadly, I’ll be closing the Losing It with Katherines Corner weight loss facebook group tonight for lack of interest.
If you are a blogger age 50 or more I invite you to join us at the BTL ( between the lines) facebook group.
You can still link up and share your blogs at the TFT party until midnight tonight.
Enjoy your weekend my friends.
What do you think about Breaking Up with Instagram?
Have you joined me on facebook?
I joined instagram not that long ago. I really joined just because my blog is heading more toward arts, journals, and lettering, and there are so many great lettering artists there! I follow quite a few accounts, but I really don’t post much, to be honest! Hoping to become more active at my blog again, once our home issues are settled!
Hi Pam!I think I could be a follower, but I’m still unsure about posting on instagram. I look forward to visiting your blog. hugs
After attending last year’s Design Bloggers Conference, I learned a lot about FB and IG and those pesky algorithms-thingies. I did just learn about #dailydecortags, if you’d don’t already know. One of the founders of that group puts up a photo with hashtags she is using that day and then people can play along. I add ones I know like #teatime, for example. It’s helping my feeble IG presence to be seen a little more, but I know what you mean. It takes a lot of work writing our posts, then linking to parties, and posting on IG and FB, reading emails {I get hundreds… hard to go through them all, so now I’m unsubscribing from things}.
I’m hardly getting my posts photographed and written, so some weeks I’m not out there much since I’m also trying to be more present in my Bible study group, IOOF and Rebekah’s and finding a church. 🙂 We are working our way through Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow, since I see your latest post, Katherine! <3 BOY is it a tough study… Hard! Anyway, gotta run.
Have a great rest of the week,
Barb 🙂
Hi Barbara,thank you so much for sharing with me. I can certainly commiserate with you on the emails, oh my goodness if I miss even one day they are like bunnies and coat hangers multiplying, LOL. I subscribe to a lot of blogs too and I enjoy visiting them all. I have a hard time unsubscribing through, because many of them are follow me. Fingers crossed you won’t be unsubscribing from Katherines Corner ( wink) Hugs!
Nope I don’t use Instagram, I’ve used Pinterest but it irritates me & I don’t like Facebook. It’s so easy to fritter away your time on these sites. I find Blogging much more interesting & informative.
I know it’s important to participate in social networking especially with my online shops. I’m sticking to the no instagram thing and concentrating instead on tidying up my pinterest boards and sharing more on facebook. Hugs!
Katherine I have to say I am with you when it comes to instagram I just don’t get it. I don’t totally get Twitter and I have never seen how Pinterest works with a blog. May I am just an old dog who can’t learn new tricks. lol
Victoria, first not an old dog…second. Pinterest is fun. But it is so easy to get lost in it. have to set a kitchen timer and when the 30 minutes is up I’m out of there!, LOL
After reviewing things I am staying with the Pinterest, facebook and maybe twitter. Hugs!
I totally agree with you Katherine. In fact, I beat you in breaking up with IG some while ago. Without a VA, I don’t see how I can keep up with it & I have no desire to sit on social media all day long. I don’t take selfies either & don’t even have my phone half the time. I just let it go. Doing the big P & FB is all I can do. If I miss something, too bad.
Oh how I wish I had the money for a full time VA. Florence I think we are two peas in a pod. Hugs!
I so tried the Insta thing and, like you, got so frustrated. I believe it is close to impossible to do well on all social media platforms – pick the one or ones that really resonate for you or they won’t resonate with your followers! Facebook and Twitter are now my go-tos, with some G+ and Pinterest.
thank you for your support. I do love Pinterest, my boards are a mess right now ( wink) , I’m on G+ too , and I’m working hard to get seen on facebook. I know just toooo many! Hugs
The IWSG is on Instagram but one of the other admins runs it, not me. I am on Twitter but not Facebook. Just too much to keep up with. My best online friends are right here in the blogging world.
Sweet comment my friend. o happy to have you among my cherished online friends. Hugs
I like instagram way better then anything…so many random things you can follow. With fb I think you’ll be spending more money as a blogger to get people to even “see” you. Twitter has the annoying limits on how many I can follow and with everyone wanting me to follow THEM but no one actually FOLLOWING me back, see the problem there…. fair is fair eh? PINTEREST is evil…oh just follow me on pinterest….3 hrs later and weird thing I’ve pinned that I’ll never do and OMG ITS BED TIME lol..anyways social media should be fun and not stressful…have a good weekend, hope you aren’t snow bound
Aww thank you, pinterest ius an official time sucker, LOL. My boards need some serious attention I love hanging out there. But I don’t feel like it’s “social” just fun. I’m hoping that I’ll be found on facebook. I really enjoy my savvy shopper group. Hugs
I have had many similar feelings with Instagram. In the early days, Instagram was great. But since they have taken a page from Facebook with their algorithms and more, I am not loving it either. My photography isn’t the issue I feel, but the actual time and energy needed to keep up. So, I have actually put more time into Pinterest this past year and loving it over there. Plus, I am working with my SEO, too. So between the two I have seen more success on that front. Which to me was well worth the time I put into it. Happy Saturday and hope it all works out for you now, too Katie xoxo <3
thank you sweet friend for your support. I’m working on my boards. I love pinterest but I lose track of time when I’m there, LOl xoxo
P.S. – I have a love-hate relationship with Twitter and Instagram.
giggle,I hear you xo
I checked out the Snoring Dog site and would be happy to use the gift card on any of the art prints. What a great giveaway, Thanks Katie!
Oh dear, I love Instagram. I wonder why it’s not good for you?
I don’t have my phone with me all of the time, I don’t take selfies..I just don’t know sweetie, I just can’t get into it.xo
I feel the same way! I’m ready to give up on Instagram, too. I can’t keep up. I have to simplify my life or I’m going to drown in all these sites and pics and postings. Don’t feel bad. We all think we’re going to miss out on something by dropping a social media channel and I wonder if that’s true.
Oh sweet Jean, I am right there with you. I really don’t have many followers on instagram, so I doubt I’ll be missed ( wink) I won’t close the account but it won’t be my “go to” for social media. xo xo