Saturday Sharing 5

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  1. There is nothing like getting a hand written note in the mail or attached to a gift. And I so agree about the changing of the time. It just messes with my body I wish they would stop changing it.

  2. Katherine, I just looked at the post all about Izzy and learned he’s schnauzer and Lahsa Apso. Is that cross a recognized breed now? He’s a keeper, anyway.

    1. Hi Naomi he is officially a “schapso” dog. His Father was a schnauzer and his Mother is a Lhasa Apso. He is an amazing dog and although he is not a trained service dog he instinctively knows what to do when I have seizure and even saved me once by getting my husbands attention ( he was outside) He would run to the window and bark loudly and then check on me and then do it again. Until my hubby had to come in and see what was wrong. Izzy led the way up the stairs to where I was laying on the floor. He is an amazing loving and absolutely adorable companion. Hugs!

  3. I agree, Katherine, about Daylight Savings. I think it’s just a nuisance. I wonder who’s idea it was to begin with? Probably somebody without enough to occupy their mind!

    That is a precious photo of Izzy. I had to euthanize my sweet Labradoodle, Tavi, a couple of weeks ago and I am missing him terribly. He was the size of a Standard Poodle with black curly poodle hair and sweet brown eyes and he and I were such friends and companions for each other. So hard to have to lose them. Izzy is only six and he will be with you for a long time, especially since he is a smaller dog. I love the big guys and they aren’t so long-lived. Tavi would have been ten next month.

    Hope you are having a good weekend. Mine’s been quiet and that’s okay.

    P.S. What is Izzy’s breed?

    1. Naomi, I am so sincerely sorry to learn of your loss. Our dogs are a treasured part of our family. I hope you will find fond memories to replace your sadness. xo
      P.S. Izzy is a schapso

  4. Aw, Happy Saturday Katie. I, for one, happen to love changing the clocks at this time of the year as I do love it staying later at night. But not a fan in the fall on the flip side and it being dark 4:30 in the afternoon. Just so depressing at that time of the year in all honesty. But that said, I hopeful for spring to find us sooner rather than later now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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