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  1. Hi, Katherine! I have a senior dog, who just turned 14; he lost his eyesight last year, his heart murmur gave us a scare recently, and in the past few months, he was becoming withdrawn and anxious. We have adapted to his blindness now, and he started on a medication to slow down his cognitive decline, so I am happy to report that he has bounced back, and seems more like himself again. We do what we can, right? And we treasure our moments together more than ever. Izzy is in my prayers. Hugs.

    1. Irene thank you so much for sharing with me. I’m happy to know that he is back to his old self again. We really miss play time with Izzy. He gets plenty of affection though and he’s always ready to snuggle with us. Hugs!

  2. Sweet Katherine, I know what it is like to care for a senior dog. The Lord gives us the capacity to have great love for other people and animals. You are doing what you feel is best for Izzy. I will be praying for you as you navigated all of the care he will need.
    Big Hug,

    1. Rachelle, thank you so much for your kind comment. It is heart breaking as we navigate through his heath needs. He doesn’t seem to mind the insulin injections at all. But we have to “poke” him several times a day to get proper glucose readings. The sensor has failed and we are waiting for a new one to arrive. So it’s “old school” glucose checks for now. His eyes actually demand the most attention. I’m using very soft makeup sponges to clean his eyes. It takes longer, but Izzy doesn’t seem to bothered by it. Thank you for your friendship and support. xo

  3. I’m so sorry that your sweet Izzy is having health issues. What wonderful care you are giving him! We have had many pets over the years with health issues so I can identify with what you are going through. It’s hard but they are our fur babies and we take good care of them. Izzy is so lucky to have you as his fur parents!

    1. I have an almost 13 year old dachshund Pippin who also has his share of health issues. It is hard to see them when they struggle with those, but I treasure every minute with him. I saw Izzy’s birthday pictures; what an adorable senior pup he is! I cherish old dogs and find them beautiful in spite of their infirmities. Blessings to both of you.

  4. Praying for your sweet Izzy and it looks like he’s getting much love and great care from you, enjoy these precious moments making memories together that you can cherish!

  5. Oh my!! Poor Izzy – So many health issues! You’re taking such good care of him. Such a lucky dog. As you know, our Sunny had issues as she aged. She lived 3 years with kidney failure. Senior dogs are such treasures. Give Izzy a hug for me.

  6. I know what it’s like to care for and dearly love a senior. You are giving him so much good care. It’s clear he’s in the best home he could be. Izzy is in my prayers, as are you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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