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  1. Katherine,
    Happy 600th TFT!!
    My link Up for this week are Numbers 89, 90 and 93!!
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face Book and will do so in my next post too!! Thanks for again for hosting such a lovely party each week!!! I truly do appreciate it!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  2. Katherine, congratulations on over 600 TFT link parties – wow! Your work in organizing this is truly appreciated. I’m in at #88, with a spring and Easter tablescape. Have a great weekend.

  3. OH Debbie’s snow is beautiful, and Rachelle’s printables look so elegant and springy! Thanks for the great features, and for hosting all these 601 amazing parties! I’m linked at #68 this time, and I can’t wait to jump in and read everybody’s great posts! Take care and have a lovely weekend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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