little boos 1

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  1. I am absolutely in love with the white baby boo pumpkins. I have quite a few faux boo pumpkins, but have decided (since I have found seeds) that I’m going to grow my own next year, as well as gourds. I container garden, but I tend to get a better yield this way than I ever did when the plants were in the ground, most probably because I dote on them. This is a lovely post. I enjoyed it.

  2. I loved this post about baby boos! I especially loved that picture with all the little pumpkins… it is so fun seeing the differences right next to each other! I’ll be featuring you tomorrow!

  3. Hi Katherine! I love baby boo pumpkins ~ at least that’s what they were called out in California. Nobody seems to have them here in North Central Texas except maybe Whole Foods. I did find bigger white pumpkins and brought a couple home along with a bunch of colorful other ones. 😉 I’m actually going to change my inside decorating this week… decided to redo it just because!

    Happy fall to you and thank you for sharing the pumpkin names. Love the tic-tac-toe effect!
    Barb 🙂

  4. Hi Katherine, I enjoyed your post and lovely pictures about little boos. I love the pale colours and miniature size – so dainty. In Britain, we’ve started to see smaller decorative pumpkins in the last couple of years, and I put some on my outdoor plant pots last autumn, which was nice. I’ve never used them for inside decor – but you’ve inspired me to do so – thank you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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