holiday prep giveaway

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  1. I loe trying new recipes last year i tried some Eggnog Cheesecake Bars and it is my absolute favorite also its good for Christmas work parties

  2. One of my favorite holiday desserts is Pumpkin Bourbon Chiffon Pie. I have made that for years! So light, so pumpkiny and so full of boozy goodness. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. I tried subscribing to both email newsletters and it kept telling me there was an error. My email address is in there correctly.

  4. Oh, I forgot that I didn’t do the Twitter questions because I am not able to create a Twitter membership. I don’t know why; they won’t accept my phone number. ??

  5. Hi, Katherine! Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway! I’ve completed all the tasks for entering except pinning something from Casa Bouquet. I just couldn’t figure out where to click on the blog site to pin something. Any ideas?

    1. Hi Naomi! At the bottom of each blog post, you can click the P for Pinterest and it will pin it to your designated Pinterest board. Hugs! P.S. you can also making pinning anything anywhere easier if you have the Pinterest button in your toolbar. You can find how to add the button on the Pinterest website, hugs and good luck in the giveaway

  6. I like Waldorf salad…it’s not exactly a real dessert but since I can’t eat sugar I like it for something sweet on the side! Thanks for all the giveaway fun my friend! Happy weekend!

  7. Favorite dessert would most definitely have to be pumpkin pie. No matter what the holiday/event is, I love plain ol’ good pumpkin pie. Easy to make and so delicious.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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