is that a train - roses

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  1. Oh, sweet Katy-kins! My heart is breaking for you. It is so hard to pour your heart, your hours, your talent, your life into something and it just isn’t there. Praying the Lord will comfort your aching heart. I know He has plans for you. May your New Year be filled with wonderful surprises, answered prayers, and your heart’s desires! ❤

  2. I’m so sorry that you had to make that decision, Katherine. Now that the dust has settled from the holidays, I’m getting a chance to go back and comment on some things. (Plus, I have a really bad virus, so I’m taking more time to read blogs and less time working on other things!) I like the idea about the ebay store, above. That is something my husband and I have been talking about doing. Maybe that would work for you! You work very hard, and I know it will all work out for the best for you!

  3. Hey Katherine,
    I had a thought about your store. You could open an eBay store for as little as $4.95 per month, and use it to sell your old stock (and anything else you wanted to make or sell). Also, you can put your eBay store on your blog with an Auction Nudge plug-in. It’s nice because I can combine the blog expenses with my eBay expenses into a conglomerate “Love My Cottage” deal. You ARE using the blog to promote sales. Also, when I sell a vintage dish, I send the customer a post card along in the same package, inviting them to read about other vintage dishes in the blog. It only takes about 5 minutes to add Auction Nudge. I’m a new subscriber of yours, and have recently joined the TFT party. My blog is called Love My Little Cottage. I use vintage dishes in my vignettes, and also have my eBay store, The Little Dish Cottage, advertised in the footer of my blog. Just an idea..

    You should go and look at how my store is advertised at the footer of my blog.


  4. Katherine, I’m sorry you are closing your shop. I have always loved the things you’ve offered for sale. Unfortunately, I don’t have the discretionary income that I would like to spend on your beautiful items. I think you have really good taste and that all of your items are lovely, so I’m sad along with you at having to let go of the shop. But, you know, there may be something else around the corner that will take it’s place and be more fulfilling to you. You never know but there’s the saying that when one door closes another opens. So, be watchful, keep your eyes and ears open and be amazed at what may come your way in this new year! And one more thing: while the shop may not have succeeded like you’ve wished I bet you can identify a thing or two you’ve learned from having it. Yes?

    Take care and I hope the New Year is wonderful for you and your family from beginning to end!

  5. Oh, my sweet friend, I’m so sorry that you feel you must close your shop. I can feel your hurt and disappointment. In today’s world it is very hard to compete online with Amazon and Walmart. I am sorry you feel discouraged and I hope that joy in creativity comes to you in another form in 2019.

  6. Oh, my friend! You are frustrated and sad that all of your passion and hard work didn’t materialize like you hoped it would. Predicting what people will like is so hard and now that they have the internet at their fingertips, the competition you have is unfathomable! You didn’t do anything wrong. The odds of shop success were so against you. Three blogs AND a shop? Oh, my! Pick yourself up in the wake of the train, and know you are loved and appreciated. xoxox, Brenda

  7. Katherine, I am so sad to have read of your heart-wrenching decision.You, who seem to be a truly wonderful person, and one I would love to get to know better, deserved much better than what you’ve gotten. I wish I had more money — and the room to store things — so I could have been one of your customers. At my age, I am trying my hardest to not bring anything more into my life. Since you are directing so many of your efforts towards women over the age of 50, I am sure that a lot of your potential customers are in the same boat as I am. I want simplicity. Not more. (except maybe Stampin’ Up! supplies! lol) I started my blog in 2012 with high hopes of gaining many new customers for my Stampin’ Up! business by sharing what I love, I’d thought (naively, I guess) that through all this heartfelt sharing, it would just happen. That has not panned out at all for me. I keep questioning my motives for continuing on. Even friends and family are immune to the “charms” of Paper Seedlings, so, if you can’t count on those closest to you, who can you count on? I guess the real reason that I continue to post to Paper Seedlings twice a week is that it keeps me accountable and forces me to be creative, even when I don’t feel like it. Granted, I have little to no expense involved with my blog attempt, so that makes it easy for me to keep going. When I’d first come in “contact” with you through Katherine’s Corner, I was so impressed with you! You have life struggles, but are always available with a smile and a cheery word. I would love it if I could meet you in person, and we could be friends. OK. Now, I’m rambling, and probably not “helping” you at all. So I’ll stop here. Just know that my heart aches for you and wish only the best in your future. Love, Linda at Paper Seedlings

  8. I’m sorry that your shop is closing…you have worked so hard and have such beautiful things! I guess we just aren’t big shoppers! I know your items are nice and well priced! You always do your best…and more! Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Aw, Katie I am sorry to read this here today. I have had some issues with my design work in recent times. I have pretty much decided that I would just work with past clients and that has worked for me. My blog thankfully makes money through advertising and sponsored content. So, between my past clients that come back for small and sometime larger jobs, as well as my sponsored/advertising blog work that has helped keep me afloat. But even I am contemplating doing other stuff to help, such as more Disney travel related stuff. So, hoping that the New Year will help us find more money making opportunities. Hugs and Happy New Year, my sweet friend xoxo <3

  10. Don’t give up. It is hard to run a sustainable business, I know first hand. If there is anything that I can offer in the way of guidance to get you back on track and rebrand, contact me direct…

  11. Things happen for a reason, at least you are looking at it and realizing that its time to do things a different way.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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