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  1. Happy New Year, Katherine! I shared a fun collaboration of The Fab 40’s featuring our Apocalypse-inspired outfits (217) as well as the story behind my favorite gift ever that I received this Christmas (218). Thanks for always hosting such a great link party!


  2. Hi Katherine! Happy New Year! I’m posted at #214 this week. I talked about a scary health problem I went through that I hope everyone can read about so it doesn’t happen to them too! Have a great weekend lady! 🙂

  3. Hi Katherine! Hope 2019 is being gentle with you so far. I’m sharing with you today at #80 – a tour of our serene, calm, and mostly white interiors that whisper ‘peace to you.’ Thanks for offering the opportunity to spread more peace, and Happy New Year to you and yours!

    – michele

Love each other as God loves you xo

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