i dont bend that way

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  1. Katherine, I’m so sorry about your running mishap. I know well how having creaky knees can be. I don’t know exactly what is wrong with mine but sometimes the right one gives out when I put weight on it and both are generally
    “complainy”. I chalk it up to arthritis which I know I have in my hands. Sometimes I think I will have to have at least one knee replacement, but for now I just accept that I have to baby the right one but I still go up and down stairs even if it’s one step at a time. I figure it’s better to keep moving, you know?

    I hope your knee heals without surgery and you are back to running soon. Or maybe walking would be good enough! I don’t think those step counters only accept “running” steps, do they? Ha, ha!

    Take care.

  2. Oh, Katherine, I’m so sorry to read this. My dear friend, I have been exactly in the same place, sadly it was slow, painful progress, and nothing short of miraculous healing (2 knee surgeries) Keep talking to The One who can take all of our burdens, physical included. Praying for your miracle and quick healing, sweet lady. Much love, gentle hugs and prayers,

  3. Oh, dear! I’m so sorry, Katy-kins! Praying the Lord brings healing quickly with as little pain as possible. Well, no pain would be better. 😉 ❤

  4. So sorry! I just had a total knee replaced! Still recovering- but it hurts a lot Less than before!
    Prayers for a quick recovery from a “better” knee in Kansas!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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