Happy Hearts Day and TFT Party

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  1. Hi Katherine. Not sure if my comments are getting through – my post was overlooked in that TFT where you featured all the commenters and I followed up with you to check! I’m joining you today with a story about hardwood vs. engineered flooring at #144, and rustic farmhouse country decor inspiration at #145 & #146. Hope you are having a wonderful week, and thanks so much for hosting!

  2. Thank you for hosting. I love sharing with your readers and always find inspiration here. Happy Valentine’s! Have a blessed week! #OverTheMoon #ThursdayFavoriteThings

  3. Happy Valentines Day Katherine, I hope it’s a special one. We are staying in tonight because of #150, #152 is at the Parisian table I set, and #153 is a birthday party table for Abe and George.

  4. Happy Valentine’s Day, my friend and thank you seriously so much for sharing my Love Stitch Cupcakes here today, as well. Hugs and hope you are feeling better, as well xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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