international happiness day

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  1. Katherine! this is wonderful news that even though the results are “painful” they could have been a much bigger worry. I will pray the pain gets better and the doctors get you on a good treatment course. Stay happy, and by the way I have actually heard your laugh….. you know when you put giggle in an email or post I have heard your sweet giggle in my head.

  2. Back pain is no fun, but I’m glad it isn’t what you were fearing. I love your list – it makes ME smile:) As I sit in my kitchen on a chill morning, I am happy for a house with heat, the days getting longer, and coffee!

  3. I’m so glad the news was not as bad as you were expecting! Right now, my new house makes me smile! My husband asked me what was the point of my perfume bottles that look like ladies, I told him it was because they made me smile when I look at them! 🙂

  4. Katherine, you are an inspiration to so may of us. So for this list, I put you at the top. You make me happy because of your continuing bloggy friendship, encouragement and genuine kindness to everyone. I send my prayers for your health to return soon. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

  5. I so love your list, Katie. It was pure joy just reading down through and spending a few moments reflecting on the many areas that bring happy to my own life. I have one thing to add but I want a few minutes to think about and express it; unfortunately, I have to run due to an appointment. I’ll give me something to think about though — and that’s something that makes me happy :). So, until later….. <oh finding out you're relieved about the MRI also makes me happy … and will pray for God's wisdom (as He's the GREAT physician) for the medical team for your follow up care.) Hugs.

  6. Agree with your list!!! I have two bulging disc in csr accident so I know how you feel! But I am happy to be here!!!

  7. I’ve been prompted to get an mri for my back problems and think it’s time I do… I know what you mean about being happy about your outcome. Could always be worse. Big hugs and thanks for stopping by my blog Katherine! xo

    1. Hi Nancy! I encourage you to get one. I am so sorry to learn you have back problems too. We were preparing ourselves for the word “tumor” and even though the outcome is not great it is one that can be worked with. I ray your outcome is one that can help you manage your pain. Big Hugs!

  8. I think sharing Happiness is a wonderful idea and we need to do it more often.
    It happens that today several of us bloggers are getting together to revisit OZ, a place that makes us happy. Please visit.

  9. Now this is a nice post to see first thing in the morning. I had no idea there was an international happiness day – one more thing to be happy about 🙂 And sorry to hear you’re having some medical issues. Hopefully they can fix ya up in a jiffy and alleviate some of that discomfort.

    What am I happy for? Coffee in the morning. The smell of fresh baked bread. Creativity. Shade in the summer – fireplaces in the winter. And a million other things…but most importantly I’m happy for having my family and friends in my life.

    Thanks for sharing the uplifting post 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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