flutterbies katherines corner

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  1. Hello Katherine!! I’m a little backed up on my reading so I hope this will get to you. I’m 60 years old and have always called them flutterbies. I got my now 12 year old granddaughter calling them the same. I too am utterly in love with these delicate creatures. While I paused on each of the photos of them, the picture that held my attention longest was the one of the sun shining thru the lilacs. Very calming…very soothing. I love Katherine. Keep up the good works. Mimi

  2. Lucky you with those beautiful lilacs to naturally scent your home! And those monarchs are stunning.

  3. Aw, absolutely loved the story of your granddaughter with “flutterbies” and thank you for sharing that here, as well as your gorgeous pics, too. Hugs xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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