dreaming and TFT

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  1. hi katherine! thank you for the party! yes I think i am getting your emails! keep me on your party list. busy spring with my youngest graduating from highschool . sniff. sniff. laura

  2. Happy Mother’s Day to you, Katherine!
    Lots of wonderful features this week ~ Love Le Cultivateur’s bedroom for her children!! Sharing two posts today, #193 A Victoria Worthy Tea in the Library, and #194 Garden Shows to Watch and My Own Petite Jardin.

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Barb šŸ™‚

  3. This week I am sharing Very Berry Pancakes, a BLT Salad with Chicken Strips and finally a delicious recipe for Raspberry Chicken. Thanks for hosting. Have a lovely evening!

  4. I’m the quilter #89. Thanks for hosting. What sweet bedrooms. Mine seems to have a theme too — except it’s laundry in need of folding. What? That’s not a thing?

  5. What a humbling treat and honor to be featured on your restful lovely blog, Katherine. Thank you! Thanks for gathering so much wholesome inspiration so that kindred spirits can come together and breathe in goodness. We need more in today’s complicated world of unrest. That San Francisco bedroom…ooh lala! What a feast for the eyes! I’m sharing at #170 and #171 (transforming interiors is not a superficial thing for me – reno teaches all sorts of lessons!). Peace and joy to you from the heartland. xox

  6. Thanks so much for hosting!! My Link Ups are # 90 and 91 for this week!!

  7. Thank you so much, Katherine, for featuring my DIY bed skirt! Hope your week has been a good one and have a great weekend šŸ™‚

  8. Thanks so much for hosting and glad to be back this week to get to join in once again for Thursday’s hop. Hugs and have a great day ahead now xoxo <3

  9. Hi Katherine, thanks so much for hosting the party! I just linked up 5 Tips to Keep Your Photos Safe, it’s #34 in the party. I hope you’ll check it out šŸ™‚

Love each other as God loves you xo

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