40 years ago high school year books

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  1. Those are great memories! We share a lot of the same ones as I would have been a freshman when you were a senior. Times were different and so were we but different doesn’t mean better, right? I graduated overseas on a military base with 20 other students. There have been attempts to hold a reunion for combined classes. While there are some in the lower classes I would love to see the expense to spend a weekend with people I don’t know and may have never met is just not appealing to me. I have had the blessing of being able to see a couple of them individually as they travelled close to me or I to them. With the advent of social media it has given us a way to reconnect and work those things out a bit. Maybe something like that could work for you, too. Things for the stroll down memory lane!

    1. thank you, your photography is amazing Shiju! The birds and butterflies are my favorite. I invite you to share your blog posts at the TFT blog party. Welcome to Katherines Corner, Hugs!

  2. Such a fun post, friend! Your photos are so cute — You were lovely then and still lovely now. I graduated in 1975, and I’m hoping for a 45th reunion, but I’m not sure there will be one. We attended my husband’s all school reunion recently, and they are having one for just his class this August. It was so fun. It was the first time I had ever seen his high school. I didn’t love high school, (but I loved elementary and junior high!) I did a lot of sports, though, in high school, which I enjoyed a lot.

  3. 64 years ago. Wonderful childhood and graduation. Still have friends that were my high school/grade school.

  4. Hi Katherine, my name is Rita and I came across your website from your friend Ginger from toasty egg. I really like it since I just turned 50 this year in May so 40 years ago I was 10 but high school was a lot like high school like you I got along with everyone and liked it that way. I was not in a certain group either. I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all your writing and about the Petunias, I actually have a beautiful Orchid in my house that I love from Home Depot. Well, take care. I hope you’re enjoying your summer. ☺

  5. The yearbook photos are awesome! I’m only two years behind you for my 40th, and have so many fond memories, too! (except for the size 5, I have repressed THAT memory! haha!!) Where did the time go? Try to explaining to a 2019 graduate, how fast life will pass them by, and they will give you that confused look as if they have all the time in the world. I must say, how fortunate I was to grow up in the “Big Hair” days, as I use my hair spray and pick skills to cover thin spots on my head, quite nicely, today:)

  6. Wow, look at you and all those curls. Very pretty. Yes I remember when I had a metabolism too. 5’2″ and all of 88 pounds, wearing a size 0 – 3., You’re right…those were the days. I enjoyed your stroll down memory lane.

  7. Katherine, you should go. I went to our 10th 20th 40th and 50th. The 40th they had all 4 highschools of our city at. A huge venue with a center and off-shoot rooms for each class. UPSIDE I got to see ‘kids’ from my grade schools and junior high, which really added to the fun.

    We are the people we are today—because of our history–sometimes we need to remind ourselves of who and where we came from.

    Fun pictures, I hope all your memories are good ones.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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