after Christmas at katherines corner

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  1. We had 70 degree weather for Christmas! The second warmest Christmas ever, here in St. Louis! I loved it, and it made me think I could really get used to living in a little warmer place. My husband is a fan of leaving the decorations up for a while, so ours are still up and probably will be for a few days. I think it makes him sad when they come down! I’m a little like that too, but this year I’m a little more willing to get on with it. I love your idea for identifying the dishes. Happy New Year!

  2. Ha! I filled in the blank with “Egg Nog!” 🙂 So glad you had your family with you Katie! Your brunch menu sounds delicious! Happy Almost New Years!

  3. I like putting up the Christmas decor, but taking it down is refreshing, Takes almost no time to take down bc I have no decisions to make (like where is this to go?). Happy New Year.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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