a ;list of 10 things you can do to relieve stress

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  1. I took dance when I was little and then again when I was in my ’20s. (I couldn’t believe how exhausting ballet was, even in my ’20s!) I love to snuggle my Sunny dog and, of course, read blogs to relieve stress! Also browsing Pinterest for ideas. Have a relaxing day, friend. xo

  2. I wrote a post about ways to relieve stress this week too! We have a few items that are the same.

  3. What a great list and perfect timing as this is very stressful time for so many of us. For myself, I usually like to read or stream some of my favorite shows when I am stressed. It helps talk the edge off and just be able to relax, as well as zone out a bit. Hugs and thanks for sharing xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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