Tummy warmers

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  1. This is a nice set of tasty soups. Thanks for linking all. I specially liked the spiced carrot and ginger soup. Thanks.

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  3. Katherine, this is the perfect time for sharing tummy warmers! My crockpot’s been getting its workout already this month and I’ll definitely be trying that broccoli cheddar – thank you! I’m chasing winter blues with forest greens at #174 this week. Happy Friyay!

  4. Thank you for featuring our cheesy potato chicken instant pot soup recipe and for hosting the party. We love soup this time of year! Our links this week are: #163, #164, & #165.

  5. This is what I featured 1-4 to 1-8-2021. On Tuesday Best Country Vegetable Soup. Wednesday Five Can Dump Soup. Thursday Slow Cooker Mushroom and Barley Soup. And Friday Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup. Enjoy!

  6. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks so much for the awesome feature for my Slow Cooker Butternut White Bean Soup, I really appreicate it! Thanks so much for the party and you have a great week!
    Miz Helen

  7. Oh Yumm – great feature picks Katherine – those soups are calling my name! Thanks for all the delicious (and otherwise) inspiration! 🙂 I’m linked at 88, 90, & 95 this week. Hope you have a great one, and thanks too for hosting and sharing!

  8. Katherine,
    My link Ups for today are #56, 57 and 60!
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party! It is greatly appreciated!!
    Please stay safe, healthy and most of all, happy!!

  9. I LOVE soups and I love making them this time of year as well! The ones you’ve shared look delicious. Thank you for sharing and thank you for hosting, Katherine! Blessings!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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