just three lettrers

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  1. Katherine, I am just seeing this post today! I was at your blog and happened down the sidebar and found it. I don’t know how I missed it before, but I guess my excuse is the blogging life (while I LOVE it) overwhelms me a bit, and I get a little scattered! So, a very late congrats on your achievement!! xo

  2. Kaherine, I really must apologize to you, I do not get to comment here near as much as I would like to. I definitely do follow you and I am awe of how much you are able to share and accomplish. Oh my dear Lord! How lucky He is to have you sharing His word. What an incredible accomplishment! Congratulations, my dear friend. I am so impressed and so grateful to know you are out there, when this world can be less than kind. God bless you and congratulations again.

      1. I’m so glad. By the way I’m also featuring at this week’s party. Hugs to you! 🙂

  3. Katherine, I’ve been reading your blogs, but never responding to any of them (not sure why, sorry). This is awesome!! I’m so happy for you! I feel the same way you do with your thoughts and beliefs. I grew up Catholic, went through the motions, got married Catholic (hubby passed away too soon), had 2 beautiful children with him (to find out that the priest that married and baptised my children was a pedophiler)!

    1. Rita, thank you so much for your comment and for your kind words. I’m so sorry to earn about your ex-Priest…I pray your children weren’t victims of this horrible person. As you can see my comments on my big achievement are, well… sadly missing. I guess I thought I’d read, ” way to go, that’s awesome”. Instead I have lost 234 subscribers since my blog post. I suppose it could be coincidence. Thank you for being a subscriber I’m so happy you chose to leave a comment today xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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