with a little help from my friends

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  1. Katherine, I can relate to how you feel, but I’m so glad you’ve decided to keep blogging. Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

  2. I am so glad that you decided to continue on your blogging journey! As you know, I’ve lately been in the midst of a blogging crisis also. And, also, with the help of “friends” and their encouraging words, I have decided to hang in there also. Blogging is such a huge part of my life that I’m not sure what I would do with myself if I hung it all up. I’m sure you feel the same way. Sending you virtual hugs and love. Smiles, Linda at Paper Seedlings

    1. Hi Linda, thank you so much. I’m happy you are getting out of your blogging crisis, we’re here to support each other (smile). Blogging really is a lifetime to lovely friends like you. Big hugs!

  3. Katherine, I know the struggles of blogging. There have been so many changes with SEO and other things that it’s overwhelming to keep up. Plus the cost of maintaining a blog – expensive! As a newish blogger (just over two years now) I wonder how long I can hold on. But I haven’t heard God say let go, and it sounds like you didn’t either 🙂

    1. I appreciate your bloggy friendship and kindness. Message received encouraging me to move forward with what I love. I’m happy with the decision to stay, I’m happy for you too. Hugs

  4. Katherine, I am so excited to hear you decided to keep at it. I did not want to weigh in, as I think it should be your decision. Whether we do or do not blog seems so personal to me. I know you have had many trials, as have I, and something this big has to be your decision. I am so glad you decided to stay. Love you my sweet bloggy friend. ❤️

  5. Hello Katherine,
    I’m so glad you are continuing with “Katherine’s Corner”. Please don’t consider my long silence as an absence. I do read all that you post. I merely are dealing with long-term issues; nothing serious but are still in my life.
    Hugs and love,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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