Heart on My Sleeve
Hello friends, this morning I sit with my mug of tea and a lump in my throat. Is today the day I wear my heart on my sleeve? Katherines Corner is supposed to be a happy place, a place of inspiration and encouragement. But I have to admit, I am feeling a bit vulnerable right now. It’s been a very difficult week. Is sharing my current true emotions a good idea?
I’ve been blogging for almost eleven years! Some of my amazing readers have been with me since the beginning, thank you all, old friends and new.

Did you know Blogs used to be referred to online journals? It didn’t take long until blogs became a conversation between the blogger and the blog reader. Which is exactly what I have always loved. The social aspect, the friendships. But this is not new information for a lot of my readers. I’ve shared on several occasions over the past “11ish” years that the cherished friendships have been, and will always be, my favorite thing about blogging.
Blogging has morphed into a lot of things over the years. All DIY, ALL Recipes, All Fashion, All Crafting and well…there are a lot of blogs, a lot! Someone told me a couple of years ago blogging is dead. It’s all about Instagram, YouTube, Pod Casts, and other social media.
I was told by several people, “The only way to get people to read your blog is to write something controversial.”
Well friends, I’m just not that person.
I want to share, to hug, to inspire, and to brighten people’s day. I want to encourage others.
But the hard facts are, and here’s the heart on my sleeve part….
My readers have found other sources for inspiration and encouragement, hello Pinterest, tic tok, etc.
This year I started sharing Angel stories, I tried “re-branding” Katherines Corner into a much more personal space by sharing family secrets and life stories. But it turns out, that just isn’t what blog readers are interested in.
Okay, so if I start sharing recipes again, or making crafty things they’ll come back? Nope, they won’t they are gone, they’ve moved on. They found bigger and better places to spend their time.

What does that mean for Katherines Corner?
Is it worth the financial expense to keep blogging to only a few readers?
Another sleeve moment (smile) I’m just not sure. I’m feeling betwixt and between. I stopped sharing angel stories a few weeks ago, nobody noticed.
The TFT blog hop has been struggling with fewer and fewer blogs sharing each week.
I started my retirement cottage series thinking it would be fun to share my dream. But there is little interest.
I just don’t know what people want to read, and how to get them back here to read it, LOL.
I feel like a goldfish in a shark tank, there are just so many places for people to spend time online.
So, I’m taking a short blog break. But the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop link party will continue until I have made a decision about the future of Katherines Corner.
Please leave me a comment if you read this. Say hi or leave me your suggestions. Thank you, enjoy your weekend. Hugs!
Katherine, I am a newby as I started my blog last year in the midst of Covid so I would not presume to give anyone advice about blogging. But… I will say, as one who has been around the block a time or two, what matters here is you. Does blogging give you happiness? Does it provide an outlet that you wouldn’t have otherwise? Do you have a comment from a post in the past with a “thank you” or “you made my day!” I’m guessing you have several. I’m sure I’ve left a few of those myself. I loved your angel stories! If you make a difference in one person’s life and I know you have in several, is it worth it to continue? Taking a break is a good thing but I hope you come back with a renewed sense of purpose. Your voice is important! You are important! I am keeping you in my prayers as you navigate your way through this difficult decision. If your choice is to go in a different direction then I say thank you for all you’ve done and I wish you a bright and beautiful future. If your choice is to come back then I say thank you for sharing a piece of your life with me!
Denise, your comment brought tears to my eyes, bless your heart and thank you so much for your kindness. As you may already know I am back, and happy to be back. I wrote a post called the Joy of Blogging, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. Sent with sincere hugs of gratitude, Katherine
My Dear Friend,
We have talked about this some and I know how you feel. Blogging was so exciting at one time and then it changed, It wasn’t enough to just write a blog post, now it is about all the techy things you can do – videos, podcasts, etc.
I too have thought about quitting, but then I decided to just do my thing and if they come, great: if not, that’s great too.
As long as I enjoy it, I will continue, when I stop enjoying it, then I will close my blog down.
Follow your heart and do what you want and don’t care what others think, like or want from you.
You are a special lady with a lovely gift of kindness. Always stay that way.
Sweet friend, thank you for the blessing of your friendship and encouragement. xo
I feel your pain. I’m so sorry for the frustration you are feeling and definitely feel it too (at it 10 years). I too sometimes wonder if the expense is worth it. I will be praying for your decision in this. Hugs from Texas.
Thank you so much Lauren xo
Katherine, I read your post with great interest. I’ve only been blogging for coming up on 4 years. I too am weighing giving it up. It’s a very costly hobby, is time-intensive, and doing all the web development background upkeep is exhausting and frustrating. Only a few of my readers comment very often. So, I have little idea what people really enjoy reading. For now, my blog is primarily a journal of activities and interests in my life rather than personal views or issues.
I love visiting your blog. You know I’m fond of your posts I’ve featured yours quite a bit (smile). I appreciate your thoughtful comment and you are so right, financially people don’t realize how much it costs. Time wise, oh my goodness yes lots of time, photographing, energy and heart and… Of course I am hopeful my blog readers ( bloggy friends) will click on my shops too xo
Katherine, I have been blogging for 11 years or is it 12, way back when blogging was a novelty and was fun, before everything became about the almighty $. I still blog today for the same reasons I started. My suggestion is that if you enjoy blogging who cares what others think? Unless you do not have the time, energy or whatever there are people here that read your blog because we like you!
What a lovely and encouraging comment. Thank you truly. We’ve both been around the blog block a time or two(smile) I’m not 100% committed to continue or not.BIG Hugs!
I’m sad to hear that this has you so heartbroken! I got into blogging about a year ago. My main purpose is to make money from it. I have to work at least 12 hours a day, every single day to try to scratch my way in. My doctors informed me that I can no longer work (even way before covid and God doesn’t have me particularly worried about that at all) due to a sever neutrophil disorder (ie immune system issue). It will take me probably before my son graduates. He’s 10. I desperately needed to help my husband with bills and disability is a joke that takes forever. Also I didn’t want to just languish away at home. God spoke to me and told me to write. So I work so hard on it. I probably have 1% of your traffic lol.
I’ve too often wondered if I should talk about myself, my illness, and maybe help others. I thought of creating a community where people with long term illnesses can talk about the issues that come with it. So far I’m not big into talking about it much. I get the well meaning, “But you’re so young!” “But you’re so pretty!” I’m not an emotional person so I don’t like talking about feeling, but we’ll see where God leads me there.
I also had a post each week called Designing Devotion where I gave a tutorial and following that I gave a devotion that correlated to the DIY. I went in the hospital for a while and when I got out, it seemed that writing the tutorial took long enough, and there wasn’t a whole lot of interest in it yet. I may try again now that I have a few loyal readers. So I definitely see where you’re coming from when no one notices you stop writing a specific weekly post. It definitely stings.
It seems so cliché or disingenuous to say to keep your head up and let the Lord lead the way, but I truly mean them. I come by every week to read your articles after I share on the link party. I will miss you while you’re on hiatus. I will be praying for you and for God’s wisdom to guide you each step of the way, and that He will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding as He promised He will do for His children.
Love & Prayers!
Niki from Life as a LEO Wife
Niki, oh my goodness I am overwhelmed by your beautiful comment .Please know I respect you and I am grateful for the time and thought and prayers that you put into writing this comment. I want to share that I feel every bit of what you wrote here, every single thing! Niki, I was hesitant at first to share my “whole story” But the truth is, and forgive the cliché, if one person sees it and can relate, then I have done God’s service. I am teetering on the fence at the moment, I won’t wait much longer to make the news known, if I stay or if I go. But, I am blessed to have you as a reader and I look forward to what you will share.
Love and Prayers to you, Katherine
Niki, I was unaware of your struggles. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. Making money vs all the costs and time is tough going with blogging. There are a million of us and readers are finicky and seldom even comment. But, if you want it as an outlet and to share your “voice” to touch even a few other like souls, do so. Otherwise, I’d concentrate on your health and family and making happy time together. Blog as you feel inspired not as a job.
Oh, this post makes me feel so sad, friend! I’ve been where you are, though, as blogging has changed so much over the years. But, I would feel like a part of my life was missing if I didn’t blog anymore, and something tells me it would be that way for you! You were one of the first bloggers I “met,” and you always stood out because of your kindness and positivity. Keeping you in my prayers! xo
Oh sweet Pam, thank you so much. I appreciate your friendship and support. I agree whole heartedly. Blogging is my social outlet, my connection to wonderful friend. I’m not sure just yet what my final decision will be for certain. But I do think taking this time to reflect and pray on it is important. Love and Hugs K
Dear Katherine,
Thanks so much for sharing your heart and entrusting us with it. I am new to your site, but appreciate the care you put into each post and the linkup you offer each week. I have had a website and been blogging since May 2015. This new venture came after I retired and felt nudged to enjoy writing as I now had time to do. A Writers Boot Camp with Margaret Feinberg got the whole thing rolling since she wanted us to set up a website and have several blogs before we even arrived for the “instruction”. I found it terrifying to risk putting myself out there and try to sort out what “my voice” really was.
What I came to see was that each of us and what we put up is unique and we really can’t compare ourselves with anyone else. My site focuses on inspirational things more in a spiritual theme with some book reviews included since I was once a part of the Tyndale House Blogging Grid before that was disbanded. I tend to write what I feel led to write based on what I am reading, listening to, meditating on, etc. I could easily set a theme or decide on topics, but that has never worked for me and my professional career had plenty of that before retiring.
I pray the Lord will direct your path and you will hear His voice above all others. One thing I sensed from Him when I started was not to get bogged down in the numbers – sometimes what I wrote might be for only one person (someone I would never know or meet) and that was enough. I have kept that in mind even though I look at the numbers from time to time. I know that is not to be my focus. Find your path, share what you feel led to share, and be content with the voice God has given you.
Pam I am overjoyed by your beautiful and encouraging comment. Welcome to Katherines Corner and thank you, for sharing with me. It is true I have given this to God I know He works in mysterious ways in deed and I must focus more on my purpose and not the numbers. This little break will help me to refocus on that. I have no other words but to say God bless you and I look forward to growing our bloggy friendship. Hugs!
I understand your feelings about blogging. I have those same feelings often, although my blog follower numbers are much smaller than yours. I decided to just blog for me and if people want to read it, that is all well and good. If not, that is OK too. You are right, there are so many things online to grab people’s attention. I love your kindness and gentleness that comes through your writing like a hug. And I would surely miss your posts if you stop. I hope your break from blogging refreshes you. Sending love and hugs!
Debbie, thank you for your kind words and bloggy friendship. It means so much to me xo
Katherine, Oh we have all hit bumps in the road.
Let me think about this. I think breaks are a good thing.
You were one of the first bloggers I found. It must have been from a blog hop or something.
I can’t wait to see where you land in the weeks, months ahead.
Thank you as always for your friendship and for your encouragement. Yes, just a little break to regroup and figure out my best path. xo
I have enjoyed reading your blogs throughout the years even though I do not always comment on them. My Daughter has been blogging off & on for a few years and has told me how difficult it is to get people interested in reading content. I wish you the best and thank you for posting content that I have enjoyed reading.
MIsty thanl you so much for your lovely comment. It means more than you can imagine. My final decision is stroll pending. I think I do need this short break though. Hugs!
Heyy! I’ve only read a few of your blogs and they are excellent. Don’t give up! I will be praying for you! I need you! Stay the course
Thank you so much for being a reader and for your encouragement. Hugs!!!
Heyy! I’ve only read a few of your blogs and they are excellent. Don’t give up! I will be praying for you! I need you! Stay the course
Bless your heart, how wonderful your comment makes me feel. thank you so much Hugs!
I have enjoyed your outlook through thick and thin. I hope you will return after your hiatus and continue sharing your smile with us. In the meantime hugs to you.
Peg what a lovely message ( comment) and just what I needed to see right here and right now. I appreciate you, thank you for being a bloggy friend. Hugs!
Hi Katherine, I do read your blogs. I don’t often comment, but I do read and enjoy your articles. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Cynthia
Thank you my friend, for your love and support. Hugs!
Katherine, I want to give you a big virtual hug. I have been blogging for about the same amount of time & have felt what you are feeling. So much has changed about blogs and over time it has morphed a lot. For many it became about number of views, followers, social media, turning it into a brand or business and the competition became fierce. Many of us felt like we were lost in a sea of other bloggers who made more time, more drive, slicker site designs or more tech savvy. I decided to scale back the amount of time I was putting in (which I needed to do anyway since real life things needed me more too) and have refocused on just posting what I enjoy making/doing and not worrying about views, number of comments, sponsors, etc. When I left social media – which was reducing what showed up in feeds anyway – I noticed a dip in views, but it’s been so freeing not being a slave to it all anymore or the fickle whims of people who just want an instant idea or freebie and go wherever they get that first.
I now have a core group of lovely readers who link up to my party each week and they read & heartfelt comment on my project posts. Others still find some of my older tutorials and email me with photos of what they’ve made using them and getting those feel better than having 10,000 anonymous views or a bunch of social media likes or “Love that!” quick comments with no personal connection. It’s been like going back to the beginning where it was more a small community of people who liked the same things and there is no more pressure to have new content every x days or keep stats up or feel like I HAVE to post something or will lose people. Definitely take some time to figure out what you really want, but it sounds like part of you wants to return to making things that inspire but you think it’s too late and no one will come back. That’s not true at all. A lot of people are missing what made blogging special in the first place – real people. I’ll still be linking & reading XOXO
Cheryl I am overcome by your wonderful comment. thank you so very MUCH, for your encouragement. I hope you feel this virtual hug. Thank you for your friendship. Hugs!!
Hi Katherine. I feel your emotions in your words today. I don’t know the answers, but I know how sad and frustrating it is when you take the time and tenderness to write a post and only the crickets show up. Perhaps Katherine’s Corner could be a place for your journeys and thoughts to be documented …any comments would be a bonus. I have read several of your Angel Stories and really enjoyed them and I have wondered why you didn’t continue!
Hopefully, you get more input to help you make the right decision. xo
Kathy, your words touch my heart, thank you so much for your support. I am so over joyed to know you like reading the angel stories. Hugs!! P.S. documented thoughts is a great suggestion. Hugs!
Hi I enjoy your blog
Thank you Darlene, hugs
Hi Katherine, I know how you feel, but don’t forget about the summer slump. Everyone is down in page views the past couple months. This year more than ever before because of Covid I think. Once the weather warmed up and things opened up people went out and stopped spending so much time on the computer. I’ve been blogging since 2012 and quit a couple of times. One of those times I deleted everything. My blog, my list, my archive of notes and “how to blog” info. I wasn’t making a penny at the time (not much more now) but I felt like a piece of me was missing without it. So I started over, got a new URL, collected a new list, try to keep my expenses down and keep on going. I think if you like to blog then you should continue for yourself. Write about what you want to write about. Write about what brings you joy and don’t watch your stats. Or send out a survey to your readers and ask them what they want/need then find a way to give it to them in a way that you love. I hope you have a relaxing break
You are so right Maria, thank you so much for sharing with me, it mean a lot. Hugs!
Oh I loved the angel stories!
You do? How wonderful, thank you Hugs
Sorry, I have been on break for most of summer and probably missed a few of those posts.
Blogging has waned, but the friendships still make it special.
What did you begin with? What was the passion behind this blog? Maybe returning to that might make a difference. I also remember a lot more posts in the past with Izzy.
Break is good, but hopefully it’s not permanent! I’ve also been at it for eleven years – coming up on twelve – and while interest has waned, it’s still where I connect to the most friends.
Oh my sweet and long time bloggy friend. Thank you for your support and your lovely suggestion to go back to sharing more about our sweet boy. It stopped because he fell into a Greta Garbo mode and every time I try to take his photo he will turn away from the camera, it’s pretty funny really. Hugs to you my friend!
Hi. I understand how hard things must be for you with what’s happening to your blog. I’m so sorry I haven’t been engaging. I’m afraid my own life has been, well, to put it mildly, emotionally chaotic, so I haven’t been engaging with anyone at all. But please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers right now.
Bless your heart and thank you so much. I hope you will find tranquility soon. Life sure does throw us all some curve balls doesn’t it. Hugs!!
I enjoy your blog, it’s a beautiful place to retreat from the craziness that is going on in the world. I’ve recently was discharged from the hospital fighting Covid and this is the first time since that I could read from my emails. Like you said, friendships but I understand that the changing world is also affecting your blog. I do wish you well and prosperity. In God’s hands, let’s trust in Him!
I’m so glad to know you have recovered, thank the Lord. I appreciate your support and it makes me happy to know you can find tranquility here. Hugs!!!!
Thank you so much for your blog. Am sorry that I am not a commenter but I really enjoy reading what you post even if it is something I could never make.
Frieda, first- thank you, second- thank you, and third- you can make anything! Hugs
Hope you get the respite you need. I will miss you but am looking forward to your return
Gail how sweet you are, big thank you hugs!
I’m sad to hear that yet another talented blogger is taking a break. Blogging has changed tremendously from the days when we both started. We have to work ten times harder to be seen. I think you’re right about video and podcasts being where it’s at nowadays. I’m sad to hear you may be calling it quits in blogland but also completely understand. Sending hugs your way from Canada. xo
Thank you s much for your bloggy friendship and support. Hugs
Katherine, this saddens me because I have been a follower for years. I don’t know what the deal is with blogging all the time. I know it seems Big Tech has stepped allover it at times. SEO is a big change and I have morphed into it. It’s a lot of work and I still enjoy the process.
That being said the relationships are just not what they used to be which is sad. It seems no personal information is really wanted in our blog posts anymore to get them read. Somehow blogging isn’t a journal anymore.
I’m still working hard and enjoy sharing crafts, decorating our home and I add recipes in this time of year.
You are in my thoughts.
Cindy you are one that comes to mind as a long time bloggy friend. Thank you for your support and understanding. It will be a difficult decision, it is weighing heavy on my heart. Hugs