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  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with #231 THE OLD APPLE TREE and #232 BATHTUB OR SHOWER? LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE! I’d like to invite you to drop by and linkup at some of my parties.

  2. LOVE your theme this week Katherine – I’m so ready for flowers! Thanks as always for hosting this wonderful party! I’m linked at 171 and 172 today. Can’t wait to dive in a read all the goodness! Take care and Happy Thursday!

  3. Hello Katherine! Thank you for your Thursday Favorite Things posts. I so enjoy seeing all the contributions. Love the winter flowers and ideas for sprucing up my decor in the colder months. I linked at number 70 for a hearty, slow-cooker winter stew which is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day feasts. Cheers!

  4. Katherine,
    My Link Ups are Number 59 and 60 for this week!!
    Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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