Amazing Grace an Angel Story
Hello friends, I know it has been a while since I shared an angel story with you. I’ve had several emails requesting a story. So here it is (smile)
It was raining hard the day family and friends laid to rest Mrs. Audrey James. She was a beloved teacher at Martin Elementary School and well known for her kindness and blue ribbon peach pie. Nearly the whole town came out to say good bye. Umbrellas of every color kept mourners from being drenched, but nothing stopped the flow of tears.

After the burial everyone had left accept the minister who approached Joshua James, (also known as JJ, he hated having two first names) and encouraged him to go home. But he shook his head no and stood silently and watched as the little dirt mover filled his mother’s final resting place.
He chose to walk the six blocks home knowing there would be people waiting for him with good intentions, hugs and plates of food. The rain eased a bit and he softly hummed Amazing Grace while he walked.
His mother sang the song nearly every night while cooking dinner. He remembered a time when he was just 5 or 6 years old when he asked her why she sang that song every night. Her reply was a simple one, “I am grateful and I am comforted by it “. The song would forever be kept in a special place in his heart.
As he approached the house he could see rows of cars filling every possible parking spot, people milling around outside in small groups and people carrying plates of food inside the modest house he and his mother called home.

He stopped walking and thought about the day she said she wanted to paint the house pink. Although he wasn’t keen on the idea, he worked at the town hardware store every day after school and he mixed the paint that made their little white house pink. He smiled as he thought about how happy his mother was with the color.
The rain had completely stopped by the time JJ reached the end of the driveway. He stood and took in a deep breath and released it slowly as he was greeted and surrounded by all the people who loved his mother nearly as much as he did.
Several hours passed until JJ was completely alone in the house that fell deafeningly quiet. He ran his finger along the edge of the table filled with framed photos of his mother. He held one of his mother in her fancy Easter dress and vintage blue hat with a big bow. He always teased her about the hat and how she must have access to a time machine. The more memories he recalled the more JJ started to feel overwhelmed. He was feeling such great sadness, he couldn’t catch his breath, he sat down hard right there on the spot as he tried to compose himself.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, but when he turned to look there was nobody there. He thought he was definitely losing it as he stood up and walked to the living room. He laid down on the couch weary by the emotions of the day and fell asleep quickly.

When JJ woke the next morning he could hear someone humming in the kitchen what sounded like “Amazing Grace”. Curious who might have let themselves in. He entered the kitchen to find nobody there. Rays of sunshine filled the entire kitchen with warmth and light. He felt comforted and grateful.
Was there an angel with JJ? Did he feel an angel touch his shoulder? Was the sunlight and song a message? You decide.
( smile)
I hope you enjoyed this angel story. You can find more stories if you click HERE. I look forward to seeing you all back here on Thursday for the TFT blog hop!
I surely believe JJ was visited and comforted by an angel. What a wonderful gift to have been given. <3
Absolutely. Thank you so much for your comment. Hugs!!