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  1. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks so much for the awesome feature for my Caramel Pecan Bundt Cake, I really appreciate it! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and thanks so much for all the great parties!
    Miz Helen

  2. Merry Christmas, Katherine! Your recipe for twice baked potatoes looks amazing… it’s always part of our Christmas Eve menu. Our kids look forward to it every year!

    Thanks for supporting us all by providing this space to gather! This week we are sharing #138, #139 and #140.

  3. Katherine,
    Merry Christmas!!!!
    My Link Ups for this week’s party are Numbers 55, 57 and 60!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting this party each week. Hope you are having a lovely Christmas Week. Sending hugs and blessings.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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