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  1. I always love popping in here for the party – I find such inspiring ideas and recipes. I really appreciate the feature of my Tomatillo Chicken. Thank you for hosting. I hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend. I brought my CARAMELIZED GRILLED PINEAPPLE, GREEN ENCHILADA CHICKEN SOUP and BUTTERMILK CHIVE CHICKEN.

  2. Oh my, I am so sorry about your cheese difficulties. My fiance is lactose intolerant and we have been looking for alternatives. It seems that he is okay with small amounts of hard cheeses, but the softer they get the worse his reaction is. For example, we have aged sharp cheddar and pepper jack every other day. But, give him more than a teaspoons worth of sour cream and he’s in the restroom (sorry for the TMI) within minutes of dinner.
    I hope you find an alternative to the mozzarella you liked so much. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hello Kristen, thank you for your thoughtful comment and for sharing with me. I am lactose intolerant and cheese is also a trigger food for for my vestibular migraines. So rats it’s a double whammy! (smile). I do know that the newer the cheese the less distress it causes. When I could eat cheese ( before we discovered it was a trigger food.) The more aged the cheese is the more difficult it seems to be to digest. Mozzarella is the cheese of choice for those who are lactose intolerant and still want the “real thing”. It is only aged for a short time. Maybe he will be able to tolerate it. Goat cheese or nut cheeses are a great alternative too.(unfortunately I can’t have nuts either). Thank you again for sharing. Hugs!

  3. Thanks for having us over, Katherine. Those cheesy recipes look delicious, but I have to be careful with cheese also.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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