TFT feature blogs

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  1. What a delightful lineup of features, Katherine! Thank you for hosting and making it possible to discover more sources of creativity and wisdom than ever. I’m participating again today with #222, 223, 224, as I share hearts, health, and handsome homes (of course!). Hope this finds you enjoying your weekend and finding joy in simplicity. xox

  2. Katherine, I’m very late linking up this week, but thought I’d go ahead and join in anyway. I’m #215. I hope your daughter is doing well. Will send up prayers for a speedy recovery. Thanks for taking the time to host.

  3. Wishing your daughter a very speedy recovery and I hope all went well! I am happy to be a part of your party and I try to be here each week. Thank you for hosting it again this week 🙂

    I am at 204 and 205 this week, both ham soup recipes. I have been in a soup mood lately!

  4. Praying the outcome of your daughter’s surgery was successful. I am #195 this week, and while I don’t expect you to even spin the wheel in this next week for features, I do hope readers will take advantage of what the Traveling Tote tribe is offering!

  5. I just went back to read the posts about your daughter and ger challenges. I will add her to my prayer list. We are heading to Atlanta, GA. on the 25th to help my hubby’s brothers daughter with his care. He has glioblastoma, was diagnosed almost 4 years ago and was given 6-12 months. He has fought a courageous fight but none of us are ready to let him go. It is gut wrenchingly sad. If you would, please say a little prayer for him, his 3 daughters and the whole family. XO

  6. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 1- 6 to 1-10 on my blog. On Tuesday morning was a low calorie Slow Cooker Black Bean Sweet Potato Chili. Wednesday was my very own Game Day favorite 3 Bean Firehouse Chili. And wrapping was a Chili Dog Pizza. Enjoy!

  7. Sending so much love your way Katie – I hope it’s going well! I’m linked at #s 126, 127, & 128 today. I see so many wonderful posts I’m dying to read! Thanks as always for hosting!

  8. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with TOP 10 POSTS OF 2019 AT GRAMMY’S GRID. My unlimited monthly party 8 is open until January 26 if you’d like to link up! My themed party 9 for all things crochet is open until January 25 if you have appropriate posts.

  9. I’m so sorry to hear about the challenges you and your family have been going through. Praying for a positive outcome for your daughter’s surgery today and a speedy recovery.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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