Pretty Little Pear Tree
Pretty Little Pear Tree Its Oxymoron day! Wordy wordless Wednesday. Our pretty little pear tree is blossoming a wonderful thing to see in the morning sun PEAR TREE Silver…
photography that tells a story by katherine corrigan.
Pretty Little Pear Tree Its Oxymoron day! Wordy wordless Wednesday. Our pretty little pear tree is blossoming a wonderful thing to see in the morning sun PEAR TREE Silver…
The Scoop What…..two posts in one day that’s okay this one rolls over to tomorrow! You were probably expecting a “scoop” of ice cream. But I have something I know…
Hung Out To Dry It’s oxymoron day! Happy Wordy Wordless Wednesday sweet bloggy friends. A Clothesline Poem (Anonymous) A clothesline was a news forecast, to neighbors passing by. There were…
I Am A Little Daffy It’s oxymoron day! ( if you are new here that’s wordy Wordless Wednesday) But before I get started…I’m hanging my head low, dragging foot…
Hello friends, it’s wordless Wednesday today (when am I going to change this to oxymoron day .. giggle, maybe next week). No photograph today instead I made a simple Easter…
The Promise of Spring It’s oxymoron day here at Katherines Corner. Time for a little wordy wordless Wednesday. It’s Spring! The Promise of Spring The promise of spring comes nearer…
A few words for todays Wordless Wednesday-This is one of my favorite snaps from our recent day trip. If you missed it you can read it HERE. I love the…
I know it is wordless Wednesday but I have some wonderful words to share! Using the rafflecopter selection system the winner has been selected for the With Love Giveaway. Please join me…