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  1. Personally, I love your prayer. It might be a bit long to recite together. Maybe you could have one person read it every year and pass it down from oldest to youngest. I might even write it on a tablecloth and use it at other family celebrations too. Easter, Thanksgiving… best wishes for a happy New Year!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love the tablecloth idea, we have done that one. Maybe we’ll do that instead next year! Happy new year!!

  2. Hi Katherine
    So happy your blog is back on track. I think we have all been there- so frustrating!
    I love a Christmas Eve brunch! I may have to add that to the mix. We we’re shuster this year with flight delays, weather, in-laws, kids etc. We had to carry our holiday into January!

  3. Oh my goodness Katherine, I can totally relate to how you feel about praying aloud. I have struggled with this all my life and I’m still unable to overcome this and it has caused some anxiety and even guilt for me because it always seemed to me that others don’t have this issue. I’m so sorry you have had the blog issues, you are so right the timing was terrible. Also sorry to hear about your mom and the struggles she is experiencing. I took care of clients with dementia and Alzheimer’s while working at Home Instead here in Arizona for about 6 years. It was very rewarding for me to help all I could and I miss it. Wishing you all the best in the coming year, take care and God bless you and your family!

  4. Prayers for you as you deal with your Mom. My mom was diagnosed with dementia. There were a few signs, she always paid her bills before the due date. I went to pick her up due to the bad weather they were predicting. I couldn’t convince her she was having any problem. She stayed with us until her passing. It is such a horrible disease. She’s been whole again for almost 5 years. She passed peacefully at Hospice. I knew she didn’t want me to be there when she passed. I had not been gone for 15 minutes when they called me. She is now whole again.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Yes she is whole again. It is a horrible disease. One of the cruelest of all I believe. I am sorry for your loss and know you feel comfort knowing she is whole again. Hugs!!!

  5. Congratulations! I’m so glad your blog is back to normal, and sorry you had to go through that particular nightmare! I love your prayer, and fall into the One-Person-Reading camp. I like to have the freedom to listen and take it all in, rather than worrying about saying the right words at the same pace as everyone else. The sentiments are beautiful, and that’s so sweet of you to put them into such lovely and meaningful words. Hope you continue to have a fun holiday, all the more relaxing because things are working!

    1. Hello Barbara, thank you for sharing. Thank you for commenting and always participating too. Yes I can finally relax knowing the blog is up and running again. It’s just so rotten that it was through Christmas week. But, I’m grateful to be back up again. Hugs!!

  6. I loved the prayer. It was very meaningful, heart felt, and beautiful. I would have loved the idea of praying together!
    I also understand the feeling of your family. Many people, even though they pray on their own, are uncomfortable praying out loud. I am not sure all the reasons, but know it to be true.
    Please do not allow this to prevent you from writing another prayer next year and reading it, or maybe, choosing someone else to read it. I don’t know. Let the Spirit lead you. Just feel free to express your heart.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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