make it monday week seven
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Make it Monday Week Seven

 Make It Monday Week Seven- Time for Make it Monday week seven! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and that your Fathers Day celebration was all you wanted it to be.  Okay on to Make It Monday….. Every week at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop there is always plenty of craftiness and yumminess…

chocolate covered pretzels
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Are You Ready For Some Foodball Recipes

Are You Ready For Some Food Ball Are you ready for some football recipes! Or “foodball” in today’s case. I’m not much of a sports fan but hubby sure is ( college mostly). I love to watch the super bowl commercials though. Aren’t they great! I recently entered a contest to win money for advertising…

turtle pie recipe

Turtle Pie

Turtle Pie Recipe It’s quiet here. I can almost hear my heart beating. Izzy ( our dog) sleeps at my side and the house is still. Our grandchildren are at their home now. Back to their routines and anxiously awaiting their first day back to school. I look forward to their first day of school…

fresh picked strawberries, food photography
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First Pick Red Delicious Strawberries and Recipes

First Pick Red Delicious Strawberries Thank you for your love, support and prayers. I felt every word from your heart to mine and I shared your love and prayers with my husband. We are both grateful that I have such wonderful bloggy friends. The title of this post certainly screams out exactly what today’s post…