Sweets for Your Sweetie
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Sweets for Your Sweetie

It’s Valentine’s day on Wednesday and these special sweets for your sweetie will be perfect for today’s Monday Inspirations.  These are just a few of the many valentine themed blog posts from last week’s party. Please take a moment to click HERE when you are done and see if you missed any. If you have somehow…

you are loved

You Are Loved

Do you think the ancient Romans who celebrated Christian martyrs named Valentine on February 14th* had any inkling that Valentine’s Day would turn into such a “loved and loathed” holiday? For some of us it’s another day to celebrate our heart’s keeper. But, for others it “can” be a lonely day. I’m here to tell…

Some of Your Favorites From 2017

Some of Your Favorites From 2017

Happy New year wishes my sweet bloggy friends! I wonder how long it will take me to get into the swing of saying and writing 2018. I love taking  a look back through the blog and seeing what you liked the most. It’s fun to review and it provides me with insight for sharing in the…

piece of cake
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Piece of Cake Monday Inspiration

Grab a fork, we have cake! There were a lot of yummy cake, pie and dessert recipes shared last week. This week’s Piece of Cake Monday Motivation will have you running to get a fork. But be safe and make sure the tines are pointing down, giggle. Not familiar with Monday inspirations? No problem here’s…

just chill monday inspirations
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Just Chill Monday Inspirations

Baby it’s hot outside!! Let me tell you our consecutive days of triple digits is doing me in. I have been drinking so much water I slosh when I walk. I keep breaking into song ( delusional from the heat no doubt) I’m singing we’re having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave, in case you want…